Page 38 of Ruthless Heart


“How much is it worth?”

“The last time I checked, they were worth around $25,000 a piece, give or take.”

“A hundred grand in the backpack. From the looks of him, it would’ve been a giant score.”

“I don't understand how he knew I had them. I don't know him, and I rarely mention them to anyone. It’s been years, I think.”

I shrug. “Maybe someone who visited your place in Boston mentioned it to somebody else. That’s usually how it goes. One person recognizes something is valuable and tells a shady friend who goes after it.”

“I guess, but it’s weird that he tracked me down here. I was discreet.”

I don’t comment. I’ll know soon enough who the man is and what the fuck the deal is with him following Olivia across state lines. Aiden will get every detail. Of that, I have no doubt.

The baby fusses, and Liv rocks him. “He’s tired. He didn’t nap very long today.” She exhales and leans back, closing her eyes.

“I feel you, kid,” I say, watching the boy squirm.

I’ve been up since five in the morning. Aiden came by, and we worked out before meeting with some contractors. Then the office, the lunch we didn’t get to finish, the drive to Maine and helping Liv pack. A long haul of a day.

“I should put him to bed. I might lie down myself,” she says.

“Go ahead.”

A noise at the door causes her to stiffen. I walk over to be certain that, if it’s not my brother, I will get the drop on whoever it is.

When it opens, however, there’s a little old lady carrying a cake. I step out from partway behind the door, and she looks startled and nearly drops her package. I shove my hand underneath to catch it.

“Sorry I startled you,” I say.

After the wobble, she holds the sides of the cake’s plastic container more tightly.

“Liam Callahan, Brady's father.”

“Oh,” she says in surprise. Her eyes dart to Olivia.

“Liam came to meet Brady.” Olivia’s tone is neutral. “Brady and I are going to Boston for a while, Mrs. Fisher.”

“Aw, I hate to see you go,” the woman says. “It’s been so wonderful having you here. But it’s no problem otherwise. You were right to choose the month-to-month option, just as you thought.”

“And I’ll give you a check for this week’s babysitting before we go,” Olivia says.

The woman nods, smiling at the kid as he tries to crawl off Olivia’s lap. Liv stands and bounces him on her hip.

“The sweet-and-sour meatballs should be done, Mrs. F. Please help yourself and then turn off the crock pot. I’m going to put him down.” Olivia walks into the rented room.

“He’s beautiful and such a good boy. An absolute angel. He learns things quickly, very advanced for his age,” Mrs. Fisher says.

I nod.

“He gets all that from her,” the woman adds.

I don’t contradict her to say the kid clearly got a few things from me. I’m not interested in a debate. Besides, Olivia is smart, beautiful, and a good girl,mostly.Except when she’s on the run with a secret baby inside her.

When the little old lady heads to the kitchen, I’m glad. I’ll be even more glad when I have Olivia and my son in my own house and all to myself.