Page 31 of Ruthless Heart

“Unless you’d rather I made some calls to get you a job with a different sort of operation?”

“No, the former. For sure.”

“All right.”

“Need anything else, Liam?”

“No, except for you to get your ass over to Ma’s for a visit. She’s complaining you haven’t been by.”

“She kicked me out of the fucking house. Just like an evil stepmother.”

I roll my eyes. “Ma’s kicked us all out of the house at some point, except Luke because he took off before she got the chance.”

“Saint Luke,” he mutters.

“She shipped me and Aiden off to Ireland more than once. And don’t you remember when Aiden tried to run the house and she kicked him out and sent him to live with me? You were already at Ma’s by then.”

“Is that what happened when he moved in with you that time?”

“Yeah. It’s what she does when a teenage son gets out of hand. Go by today, right? I’ve got other shit on my mind. Better for me if she’s distracted while I sort some things out.”

“All right, I’m on it.”

“Good man. Talk later, brother.” I swipe to end the call.

After I pocket my phone, I return to the table where my other brother is already eating lunch. I open my wallet and drop a hundred-dollar bill on the table.

“Bring it with you,” I say. “We’ve gotta go.”

Aiden glances up as he swallows, then he sits back and wipes his mouth with his napkin. We’ve been business partners a long time, so Aiden can read my face better than anyone.

“Right now, huh?” He rises as I nod.

We leave in silence, and he makes no comment as I drive us out of the city and get on the interstate, heading North.

“Remember Olivia Nichols?” I ask.


“We’re going to get her. Her stalker seems to be back.” I clear my throat and shake my head. “She’s in Maine… With a baby I’m almost certain is mine.”



It’s my short day at work, so I get home at two-thirty. When Mrs. F heads out to her weekly card game, I make sure all the doors and windows are locked. I give Brady a bottle while I check on the sweet-and-sour meatballs that have been cooking on low all day in the crock pot.

“They smell delicious, huh?”

The baby squawks with a smile from his baby play center.

A knock at the front door causes me to turn warily. I’m not expecting anyone, and I’m the only renter Mrs. F has right now.

I chew my lower lip as I walk to the front door. Another knock sounds as I pull back the curtain. My blood runs cold at the sight of Liam Callahan wearing a charcoal-colored winter coat and equally dark expression.

Backing up, I stare at the door as my heart starts to pound.

The next knock is so forceful it shakes the window glass. My heartbeat is like a hammer against my ribs.