Page 22 of Ruthless Heart

She takes a step back, her chest heaving with anger, and looks at me with contempt. Then she jerks open several drawers until she finds what she’s looking for. Pulling out a framed photograph, she slams it down on the counter. In it, she’s in Liam’s arms. Her hand rests on his chest with the big diamond glittering in the sunlight. They’re standing on the dock that’s just outside, and this is clearly an engagement picture.

I’m so nauseous, I retch over the sink. Yellow fluid splashes out of me… champagne and stomach acid. My throat burns.

Her rage emerges like the screeches of a pterodactyl. “I leave town for a week, and this is what he fucking does?”

After picking up my purse, she grabs my arm and drags me to the front door. Sneering at me, she says, “Get your skinny ass out of my house before I kick your fucking teeth in.”

She jerks the door open and shoves me outside. The force of the push lands me on my knees. The purse flies out and rolls down the steps as the door slams.

I want it to be a lie. I try to tell myself this is not really happening.

But as my mind continues to reel, things shift into place. She has keys. And an engagement ring. He hid the picture in the drawer.

If it hadn’t been me, would he have picked up some other woman and brought her home for a couple of nights?

Out of town, she said. And clearly not expected back yet.

I’m breathing hard and feel shaky. A part of me still expects the door to fly open and for him to come jogging out to say it’s a mistake and that she’s some crazy person… That the picture was photoshopped.

She has keys.

I finally stagger to my feet and grab my purse.

Tears drip down my face slowly as I walk away. He lied to me and made me a pawn in his deceitful game. Even after I confessed my trauma around infidelity and loss.

I can't believe I went from being a virgin to being the other woman in three days.

The hot summer sun beats down on me as if it knows my shame and wants to expose it for all the world to see. My heart aches. I really thought we connected. I thought this weekend was the beginning of a long-term relationship that might even turn into marriage.

But I never knew Liam at all. I could scream.

Stumbling blindly along the road until I round a curve, I pull myself together. What am I doing? Where am I going?

On unsteady feet, I shuffle along as I fumble through my purse for my phone. My fingers close around it, and I pull it out gratefully. I use it to call for a ride-share so I can get away from his place as soon as possible.

It only takes seven minutes for the driver to arrive. My breathing evens out as the car pulls up in front of me, providing some measure of relief in the midst of the turmoil.

The driver greets me with a warm smile as I slide into the backseat. He can probably tell I’ve been crying, but thankfully, he doesn’t ask questions.

As we drive away from Liam's neighborhood, it feels like the last remnants of my innocence are fading away.

My thoughts scatter, disassociating me from my surroundings.

I’m surprised when we arrive at my apartment building in what feels like only a minute.I made it home, I think wearily. Back to the safety of my own life.

Where I’ll never see Liam Callahan again.



The smell of Opium perfume fills the air as I wake to the sound of Francesca Di Luccio's shrill voice. For a moment, I'm confused. Are we still together? Did I dream that I’d ended the miserable engagement?

No. That’s over.

As I sit up, I run a hand through my hair.

Sure enough, Frankie’s in my bedroom. How the fuck did she manage it? I took back my house key. She must’ve made copies. I need to arrange for a locksmith to do his thing today. Not gonna go another night with her having access.