Page 19 of Ruthless Heart

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After a private cardrops us at the Quincy house, Olivia pauses as I guide her up the driveway. With the solar lights illuminating the walk, she spots a carved plaque that’s affixed to a stone next to the pavers.

“Is Palace Oasis the name of the house?”

“Not since I bought it.”

Her pretty laugh causes me to smile, which makes me advise myself for the hundredth time to slow my fucking roll with this girl.

She’s got the wrong impression of what your life is like, and you don’t know how that’s going to play out.

But I continue to ignore my own advice. Taking her to mosquito-infested wetlands in the ninety-degree heat? For fuck’s sake. Yeah, she’s got flawless skin that feels like satin, but today was next-level indulgent.

She wrinkles her nose. “Palace Oasisispretty cringe. And why have two nouns? An adjective and a noun would sound more natural. If the previous owners really wanted oasis, they could’ve called it Oceanfront Oasis. Or—”

“Don’t you start, too,” I say, opening the door. “That fucking plaque has been the bane of my existence since I got the place. Killian’s got a new name for the house every time he comes over, and each one is worst than the last.”

“Like what?”

“As if I’d tell you. I’m trying to put an end to the harassment, not get more from another angle. I need to get rid of that rock. I tried to get Aiden to bust it up with a sledgehammer one night when he had a truck with construction equipment in back. But we got distracted. Remind me when we pass a hardware store, will you? I’ll do the demolition myself.”

“Come on,” she pleads as I usher her inside. “Tell me one of Killian’s names.”


“Please?” she whispers, leaning close so I smell the hotel’s body lotion on her delicious skin.

My fingers pinch her ass, causing her to jump.

“Ouch.” She reaches back to rub herself. “That wasn’t nice.”

“It was for one of us.”

Liv sticks out her tongue at me but is smart enough to back away first. Not that that would stop me if I were inclined to do it again.

Because we’ve got suitcases, I skip the stairs and lead her to the elevator. It’s tucked away in a back corner, but it’s nice to have.

Upstairs, I set the bags against the wall of the master bedroom. Olivia slides out of her clothes on command, which whets my already raging appetite. Before I join her on the bed, I turn on a corner lamp so I can watch her in the half light as I play.

“Tonight, I’m going to take more control away from you.”

Her soft brown eyes widen. “You’ve already been in control.”

“Yeah, always. But more intense this time.”

She wraps her arms around her legs and rests her chin on her knees. Her eyes follow me as I walk to a tall chest. “I like the way it’s been so far.”

“I know,” I say. Taking four blue silk scarves from the top drawer of my tall chest, I lick my lips. I haven’t done this to a woman in a long time. “Lie back, arms over your head.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to spread you open and tie you up.”

She shudders. “Sounds sexy but scary.”

“Exactly.” I sit on the bed next to her and lift one of her ankles. I kiss the inside of it and then coil the silk around, tying a knot. “Be a good girl, and lie back.”