She waved her hand. “We had some unfinished business to take care of. Nothing to worry yourself about.”
“Seeing as you pulled him from my bed, I’d consider it my issue.”
Senna leaned in, her lips twisted in a knowing smirk. “If he could be pulled so easily from your bed, perhaps that is your bigger issue.” Her words hurt, hitting their intended target as she’d hoped, yet she didn’t stop. “He is not easily satisfied. I have known him for a very, very long time. I know what he likes, what he craves, what he needs.” She clicked her tongue. “You do not.”
“You know all of these things, and yet it isn’t you who wears his ring.”
She narrowed her eyes. For the first time since we began talking, I felt a twinge of fear as she lifted her lip in a snarl and displayed the sharp fangs hiding underneath. “You will not last. You are fleeting, and there will come a day where I will be by his side.”
We turned toward the house to see Rion pushing open the large glass door and striding out. A button-down white shirt fit his figure snugly, tucked into a pair of black slacks. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off his impressive muscles. I could still feel the pressure of his body against my own, seeking out my pleasure as if he, and he alone, could draw it from me. But it was the severe expression he wore on his face that made that salacious flashback come to a glaring halt.
Rion stopped next to me, placing his hand on my lower back. The simple touch set me on fire, and we weren’t even connecting skin-to-skin. “Rion, what a surprise!” Senna said, chuckling nervously. “I thought you had business in the city?”
“I canceled my meetings.”
Her brows furrowed. “But they were important.”
“Not as important as ensuring my wife is well-rested and cared for.” His hand slid around my waist, and he gently pulled me to him before kissing my temple. “After all, she was just attacked and nearly killed.”
What the fuck was happening? Did he just… kiss me?
Senna tracked the gesture, her lips thinning as she watched us. “Right. Of course. Well, I suppose I should be getting back to my job now—especially since I have meetings to reschedule.” She dipped her head before hastily retreating toward the house.
Neither of us moved until she was gone. Not that I could’ve even if I wanted to. His hold was absolute, crushing my body to his own until I cleared my throat. He stepped away, pushing his hands into the pocket of his slacks.
My confusion bled into annoyance as he stared at me expectantly. “What do you want?” I snapped, pushing past him toward my friends.
He followed, but was soon stopped by the five giant dogs who stood in a protective stance before us. Anya hid her chuckle behind a cough as Rion blinked down at his beasts. “What have you done to my animals?”
I leaned forward, giving Poppy a scratch behind her ears. Seeing Rion after what happened last night soured my mood. Darkness crept into my mind, winding around my thoughts like thorn-covered vines. He’d embarrassed me, made me feel vulnerable and stupid in a moment of weakness. I don’t know why I thought he would want me when the alternative outmatched me in every way.
And why had he put on a show in front of Senna, as though he didn’t leave my room last night to fuck her? Though she hadn’t said the words, her insinuation was clear.
“Perhaps they like me better than you.”
“Nonsense. They are highly trained animals, and you’ve turned them into—” he gestured around him “—lap dogs.”
Poppy let out a low growl. “Looks like they offer their protection to those of us who are worthy,” I said with a chuckle.
“Damn…” Brielle whispered, causing Anya to slap the back of her head. “Oh, right! We’ll, uh, leave you guys.”
They scurried off toward Anya’s cottage, disappearing through the thicket of trees outside the atrium. Meanwhile, Rion and I stared at one another. I didn’t know what to say or how to start a conversation with him. Not after what happened. What was I supposed to ask? If he’d enjoyed his evening with his mistress?
No thanks.
“Are you not going to speak to me?” he asked after a long beat of silence.
I turned toward him, crossing my arms. Now was as good of a time as any other. And I’d read too many romance books to know that not communicating wouldn’t end well. “What would you like to speak about, dear husband? Should we talk about the apparent rumors of you having a mistress that were shouted at us while we left the hospital? Or what about the fact that you made me come on your face and were mere moments away from fucking me when a woman pulled you from my bed?”
“None of them are true.”
“Don’t lie to me. I’m not oblivious, Rion. I saw the way she looked at you. The two of you have fucked—many times before if her words are anything to go by.” I didn’t give him a chance to respond, already feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I stood and tried to pass him, but he grasped my wrist and pulled me back. “Let me go, Rion.”
He paused, nostrils flaring as he looked at my hand. Then, a wicked smile spread on his lips. “It seems as though I am not needed to make you come. You are more than capable of doing that on your own.”
It only took a second to realize what he was talking about. I ripped my wrist away from him, clasping my hands behind my back. “You flatter yourself by assuming it was you on my mind, husband.”