Page 51 of There I Find Hope

I think I remember hearing a poem somewhere that talked about a dog’s love being similar to God’s love. Maybe that’s where I got the idea. Or maybe it’s just because I lived it, and I’ve experienced it. That’s the best way to learn, isn’t it?

I don’t know what to say about your mom. I think there is a risk that she’ll feel unneeded. You know? If your friend offers to buy the bed-and-breakfast from her, he might make her feel that she isn’t needed around Strawberry Sands, and from what I understand, your mom’s a real blessing everywhere she goes. You wouldn’t want her to feel bad.

At the same time, having all that stress and strain and, most of all, all of that work taken off her hands might be a true blessing. I think you have a good enough relationship with your mom and you could just ask her, don’t you?

It’s nice to hear the updates about Hope. And it’s good that your friend goes with you. I’m guessing that he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t enjoy it.

Either that, or he enjoys spending time with you. Maybe both. It sounds to me like you really like each other and get along well. Sometimes when you’re with someone who isn’t like you, they complement you. Have you noticed that?

When I’m doing business, I often try to find people who are different than I am, who have strengths in areas where I don’t, to work with. I think so often we look for people who are the same. And it’s true, we tend to get along better with people we understand and who do things exactly the way we do. But in my experience, I am a stronger and better person if I’m with someone who has strengths where I have weaknesses, and we somehow manage to still get along. I think learning to get along with people is one of the hardest things to do in life. Especially people who aren’t like us. Sometimes I wonder if that’s not why God made opposites attract. Because He knows that people we don’t agree with, people who irritate us, people who have different personalities and skills than we do help shave the rough edges off us and help us become better people.

Maybe that’s just me making things up, but it seems to me that God did that for a reason.

Too many times, you want to throw in the towel and give up on people, move on to someone who gets us or whatever. And we never take the time to consider ourselves and that we might become better if we change and grow, using the principles of the Bible.

That’s as close to marriage therapy as I’ll ever get. And coming from someone who’s never been married, maybe you should just ignore it.

It used to be that people would ask me when I was getting married, but I think everyone’s given up on that.

Maybe you’ll get that. I never knew what to say. Did they want me to get married just for the sake of getting married? Or did they want me to wait until God brought the right person into my life?

Sometimes God brings the right person into your life, but it’s not the right time, or maybe He brings them in, knowing it’s not the right time, because He wants you to forge a friendship with them first.

I would only say that if you’re not married. It’s not a good idea to have good friends of the opposite sex if you’re married. I’ve seen so many people end up in cheating situations with people that they were “just friends” with.

I told you that was all the marriage counseling advice I had, but I guess I had a little more.

I’m going to drop that subject.

I’m going to Mexico. A resort in Cancún. I know, it’s a rough life.

Anyway, it’s a business trip, and while the scenery will be nice, and I’ll enjoy it, it’s not like I’m going there for relaxation or with people I love.

I really enjoy writing to you. I know that you are the one going through a hard time, but it’s been a blessing to me as well.

Thank you.

Your friend,

Business Boy