Except she had.
This was a mess.
“Noah? What’s up, man?”
It was Franklin again, and once again, he caught Noah not paying attention.
“Sorry. What were you saying?”
“What’s the problem?”
“No problem.” Other than the fact that he was in some kind of mess that he never even imagined he could possibly be in, and he didn’t know what to do about it.
Write her back.
But what was he going to say?
He shoved the thought aside and focused on Franklin and the things they needed to check with the hotel.
He was able to successfully put Sunday out of his head, mostly anyway, until he walked into his apartment that evening.
Franklin and he had parted at their doors. He enjoyed being with his friend but didn’t mind going to his own place to be alone.
He wanted to write Sunday back, he just wasn’t sure what to say.
After a shower and after he’d heated up the leftovers that he brought home from the diner and had a light supper, he sat down at the kitchen table with his notebook and a pen.
He wanted to talk to her. Was thrilled to have that connection and wanted to keep it. But he wasn’t sure if he was ready to meet her. What would she say when she found out Business Boy was him?
Dear Lover of the lake,
It made me sad all over again to hear that you had such a hard time walking into your candy store. The candy store should be a happy place. And I’m sure it was. Thing is, I’m sure it will be again too. You’re just that kind of person. I can tell you’re not going to let this get you down. That you’re going to make this a success. That you’re going to allow everything that happened with Blake to inspire you to be better.
That’s inspired me.
I wish there was some way I could help you; I wished that from the beginning.
Anyway, you asked to know a little more about me, and I guess I really never introduced myself very well. I own my own business, and I partner with a friend on a lot of my investments. I like to be very hands-on, and I have what many might consider an unconventional approach. I went to school for business, but I’ve had experience in what works and what doesn’t.
From what I’ve learned, businesses work best when the owner is invested. In everything. Of course, I think businesses also work best when the owner realizes his limitations and doesn’t try to manipulate things or micromanage things he doesn’t really know anything about. I’ve seen that happen, and I’ve tried not to do that. Because a man can really get in his own way when he starts to do stuff like that.
I guess I was busy building my business and never really dated seriously, or I suppose more accurately, I don’t change my affections very easily, and once I fall for someone, it’s hard for me to unfall. Or whatever. Anyway, I haven’t dated much, and the dates I’ve been on have been spectacularly unspectacular. I guess my heart just wasn’t in them. I’ve never had a girl interested enough to accept an offer for a second date, not that I’ve made that many.
So there, that is the entirety of my dating history. It’s pretty boring. Actually, my life isn’t that interesting. I’m a pretty calm dude who is content with very little. I’ve even had people say that I should be more of a go-getter. I should reach for more. But doesn’t the Bible teach us to be content?
So I’ve never really taken that advice. In business, I take risks, and I enjoy stretching myself, but for my personal life... Unless the girl I’m stuck on ever shows interest in me, I’ll probably be alone. I suppose there are worse fates. Like being married to someone who you’d prefer not to be married to. Or worse would be being married to someone who would prefer not to be married to you.
Now that I’m done with the horror stories, I’ve been thinking about your last question. About going out for lunch sometime.
I think I’d like that. Eventually.
Are you sure you’re ready?
Your friend,
Business Boy