“It was nice to see you again.”
This was his opportunity. He took a breath. And clenched the handle of his briefcase.
“Would you like to have dinner at the diner sometime?”
Her eyes got big, and he realized he had surprised her. She didn’t look aghast or upset, just shocked.
“Um. Maybe. But... It’s kind of soon.”
He lifted his head. That wasn’t a solid no. It was a maybe. Although, it could be an I don’t want to turn you down flat, so I’ll let you down easy.
“Ask me again?” she said, her hand going out like she was going to put it on his arm, but she drew back just a bit and it landed on the back of the chair instead.
“You can ask me.”
Maybe that was disappointment in her eyes. He wasn’t sure. It was definitely disappointment in his heart.
Chapter 8
“What do you think?” Sunday asked as her mother leaned over her shoulder, looking at the brochure she had up on her laptop.
“I love the changes you’ve made. The picture looks like a Hallmark card. I didn’t know this old bed-and-breakfast could look like that.”
Sunday had spent an entire afternoon trying to get the perfect shot. She did manage to get the charm of the house, along with the big, beautiful shade trees, and even the rope swing off to the side, showcasing the warmth and welcome that guests could feel. Looking at that picture made her heart smile every time.
It was perfect for the front of the brochure.
“I’m so glad Elinor was able to take some time from her dog grooming business and write out your story. If people aren’t caught by the picture, they’re going to be pulled in by the American dream aspect of everything that you’ve gone through.” She turned around in her chair and put an arm around her mother’s waist, leaning her head into her stomach and holding her close.
Sometimes it felt like her mom would live forever, but maybe that was one of the things that she had been learning from Blake’s death. She needed to appreciate the people around her while she had them, because everyone had an appointment with death at some point. Even her mother.
She hadn’t appreciated him when they’d been friends before.
And she turned him down. Why had she turned him down? She tossed and turned over that, although she hadn’t thought about it quite as much as she thought about her grief and sorrow.