That's how good her pussy tastes.
"That looks painful. We should take care of it." My eyes follow her line of sight and I grin.
Looking around, I think about where I want to fuck her and my gaze lands on an old wooden carriage you'd typically see in a Western movie. With a grin, I carry her to it, loving the fact that from this spot, people driving by can see my ass thrusting, know that I'm fucking like a king, but she'd be protected by me.
Fucking perfect.
Reaching back, I pull my t-shirt up and over my head before placing it on the dusty wood surface. It's not much but it's enough to protect her ass as I pummel her cunt until I come inside her.
The carriage is covered, just like the ones in the nineteenth century, and when she moans at my fingers prepping her, I hear a faint echo.
Fucking hell, Quinn's orgasm will be in surround sound. What could possibly be better than that?
"I'm getting some interesting role-play ideas right now but I'm too eager to bury my dick inside you to actually play them out." My voice is a deep rumble of want and desire and impatience.
"No time. Just fuck me, already." I flash her a feral grin as I spread her legs wide and in one smooth, unguarded thrust, I bury my cock so deep inside her cunt, I can feel her womb.
"Oh, shit!" I hope people in the next town heard her. Hell, I hope the whole goddamn state heard her. Because I did this. I'm doing this to her, over and over again.
Quinn grabs on to my shoulder with one hand as the other holds her steady at her back, head thrown in lusty abandon, eyes shut and mouth dropped wide open. Every time I bottom out, she expels a gust of breath as though she's no longer in control of her own body.
With nails digging into my skin, I revel in the bite of pain she's gifting me. I wish she'd dig deeper, make me bleed from her pleasure.
"Fucking give it to me, Quinn." I pound her pussy in a brutal rhythm, in and out, slamming her across the surface as she scrambles to keep up with my need.
"I... oh, God... I…" I love hearing her barely coherent. Fuck, what am I saying? She can't line up two words and that thought makes me the happiest I've been.
Reaching out, I grab her roughly by the hair and slam my mouth against her, lips and teeth colliding as I continue to fuck the breath right out of her.
The movements of my tongue match those of my dick; powerful thrusts that say everything I can't with words.
You're gorgeous.
You're mine.
You're every fucking thing in this world.
Mostly, they say, "Come for me, Angel."
Just as I bottom out and grind my root against her soaked little cunt, she explodes all over again. Her cries bounce off the hard surfaces of the carriage, piercing through the ringing in my ears caused by my own damn orgasm.
I come so hard, I can feel every spurt as it fills her up, threatening to spill out as I continue fucking her, unable to stop. Not wanting to stop... ever.
"Hunter…" My name is just a breath but it says everything I've ever wanted to hear.
"Me too, Angel."
* * *
We’ve been back on the road for a few hours now, and my girl is asleep in the back of the car. I’ve got one earbud in so that she can sleep while I listen to music, but I can still hear her if she needs anything.
My phone rings, and when I see Meyer’s name on the screen, I answer, double checking it goes straight to my earbud. “What’s up, Meyer?”
“How is she?” he asks, and the echo lets me know I’m on loud speaker. I’m guessing Rory is with him. I know neither of them wanted to stay behind, but since Meyer got the call from Edward Riley about us and the Knights, he had to stay back, and it made sense for Rory to go with him.
“She’s... devastated but she’s okay. This is going to take a minute to come back from, but she will.” I explain almost everything that’s happened since we got here, ignoring the litany of curses that spew from them both. “There’s something else... I don’t think she noticed, so I haven’t said anything. But I think... you remember Tommy’s sister, Katherine? How she died?”