I walk further away from her, giving her the space to think clearly yet knowing my mere presence makes her irrational.
After all, the longer the chase, the harder the orgasm.
"This is so fucking unfair!" she cries out, her feet slipping on that fucker's blood, and for a second my protective half wants to run to her but my primal half holds me back.
"Five seconds."
She grunts out a huff of frustration as she tries the second door that only leads to a supply closet with no way to lock her in.
Hell, I'd happily fuck her in there against the wall like a wolf that's been denied its nature for way too fucking long.
She stands at the far wall, her back flat against the surface with only Trey between us.
I don't move. Yet.
Her eyes dart all around, measuring time and space to see her best options.
My fucking dick is leaking precum at the anticipation of running for her and catching her and fucking the flight instinct right the fuck out of her.
With a grin, I let go of my steel-hard dick and zip up my pants.
"Here I come." Soon, baby, soon.
Without a hint of hurry in my steps, I casually walk around Trey's dead body as blood seeps out of his wound and adds to the puddle that's growing by the minute.
Quinn matches my steps as she slides along the wall with side steps, her eyes dancing all over me. Her fear is a palpable, living thing that crawls up my body and seeps through my skin.
"It's not fair, you know." Her words only make my heart happy.
"Never said it would be."
"But I don't have a chance, Meyer." Frustration evident in every word, I remember that Quinn hates to lose. Well, so do I, which is why I always create situations that have me as the victor.
"No, little lamb. You sure as fuck do not." Then I jump two steps forward, like the insane predator I am, just to see her pulse beat harder on the column of her neck.
Fuck, I'm so turned on, it's bordering on lethal.
"Meyer, let's just—" I don't give her the time to finish that phrase because she knows that the chase is my appetizer and her pussy is my three-course meal.
In less than two seconds, I'm close enough to smell her fear. Quinn scrambles, slipping again on the growing pool of blood and this time falling to her knees. Using her hands, she pushes back up to her full height and runs as quickly as she can, sliding across the room as she constantly checks behind her to know where I am at all times.
Good girl.
She's covered in blood that isn't hers. Blood that she spilled. Blood that she owns with her revenge and it's fucking intoxicating.
"Meyer." Panting and frantic, Quinn tries to negotiate with her eyes but I'm too focused on catching her now. My dick can't wait and my patience at my own little game is wearing thin.
"Run, Quinn, because when I catch you... fuck, I can't wait to make you cry."
Ah, there's that vein on the side of her neck pulsing a mile a second as she searches for a way out.