Making my way to Meyer’s office first, assuming that’s where they’ll be, I find him and Hunter sitting in silence, sipping what I assume is whiskey.
“Where is she?” I ask when I don’t see her or Tina.
“Sleeping,” Hunter answers.
“Her and Tina are in her room,” Meyer informs me. “Eddie has gone home for the night, but I figured we didn’t need him tonight anyway.”
I clench my jaw, still pissed that he left her alone. “Did you deal with him?”
“Didn’t need to,” Meyer answers before finishing his drink. “He’s beating himself up plenty. Quinn also went to bat for him, and I don’t want anyone else watching her. We trust him, but more importantly, she trusts him.”
I don’t have to like it, but I nod. Part of me still wants to go up and check on her, but I also don’t want to wake her. As if reading my mind, Meyer spins his laptop around, showing me a live feed of Quinn’s room, showing the two of them curled up in bed, asleep.
“That’s new.”
“Put it in there tonight. She knows it’s there, only objected for an hour rather than six, so I guess she appreciates us watching out for her too.” His smirk tells me that he enjoyed her submission to being watched, but I get the feeling Hunter is going to be the happiest about a camera in her room. He spins the laptop back around and finishes his drink.
Pushing the thought from my mind, I move to the bar, grabbing Meyer’s glass on the way. I pour myself a drink, knock it back, then pour another for myself and one of Meyer before sitting in the chair next to Hunter, opposite Meyer at his desk, and slide his glass over to him.
“So I think we’re done with Trent. He isn’t giving up anyone else. There’s too much joy in it for him. I think it’s time to dispose of him and move on to other methods. Harper doesn’t seem to know any more than she told you, Meyer, so we need to decide what to do with her too.”
“Can we afford to let her go?” Hunter asks, and I shrug. Because really, probably not, but if she betrayed us once, she can do it again. If she was bitter before this, she’s going to be even more so after. But, it’s also not my decision, even if I would just put a bullet between her eyes and be done with it.
I turn my attention to Meyer, who is pinching the bridge of his nose. Yeah, he’s overly stressed. Like, maybe needs to get some of it out before he has a heart attack stressed, but I get the feeling that me suggesting it would likely just stress him out more.
What a tangled web we weave.
“We get rid of them both. Loose ends aren’t what we want right now. You handle Harper.” A wicked smile appears on his face before he swallows down the drink I got for him. “I’ve got an idea for Trent.”
“Care to share?” Hunter asks, but Meyer shakes his head.
“Not yet.”
Hunter shrugs and leans back in his seat again. “Okay, is there any other business we need to deal with, since we’re already all here?”
Meyer barks out a laugh and groans. “You mean other than the fact that Quinn killed someone today and we have no idea what his ties were?”
“I’ll handle that,” Hunter offers, and I thank him in my head. Rather him than me. I’ve still got shit to sort. “The gun run went fine, smooth handoff, Johnny is a happy boy, so I’m pretty freed up again.”
“Johnny is never a happy boy,” I snort before also finishing my drink.
Meyer nods, agreeing. “Just keep an ear out for shit with him, but yeah if you want to handle this shit from today, feel free. I need to call Edward Riley next week, and work out what the fuck is going on with the deal he had with Tommy. There was nothing at his place to even remotely hint at it, so we’re fucked.”
Hunter opens his mouth like he’s going to speak, but closes it again, as if he thought better of whatever he was going to say.
I tuck that away to question him about later, but for now, I stand and let out a yawn. “If that’s all, I’m heading to bed.”
No one says anything so I leave the office and head to my room, pulling up the surveillance feeds on my phone as I do. I find the one of Quinn and leave it playing on my phone as I get ready for bed, putting it on the pillow next to mine when I climb in.
If anything happens, I’ll hear her, and this way, I can make sure I’m actually there for her before everything goes to Hell.
I hope.