I gasp, gulping in mouthfuls of air and coughing at the sudden freedom from his grasp.
"Now crawl to Hunter and show him how much you appreciate his generosity."
It's not exactly easy crawling with my arms tied behind my back and my chest burning from the earlier lack of oxygen, but I do what I promised I would.
I earn my freedom.
Once I reach Hunter, the scene shifts from depraved to loving in an instant. As I crawled, Hunter made space for me by taking his jeans completely off and spreading his thighs for me. Leaning up, he palms my cheeks with both hands and brings his hot, possessive mouth to mine, searing me with a kiss I feel all the way down to my swollen clit.
Rory wouldn't be disappointed by how wet I am. I'm fucking soaked because I, apparently, love fearing for my life.
Again, how fucked up is that?
But Hunter is my flip side. He soothes the rough edges, makes Rory's corners a little more rounded and gives me the balm after the burn.
Pulling away, Hunter looks right into my eyes and murmurs, "Watching you like that was fucking beautiful, Angel." I smile at his words then do what I was told.
Fisting his cock at the base, Hunter uses his other hand to push my head down. I swallow him up in one smooth move, the musky scent of him invading my nostrils and warming my chest with the familiarity of him.
I'm well aware that my ass is on full display for Rory, so it's no surprise when I feel the heat of him at my back, pressing against my bound arms.
"That's it, baby. Suck his dick like it's your last meal." Two fingers push into my pussy and I moan around Hunter's dick, earning me a long, satisfying groan.
I love making my men lose even the tiniest bit of control because it means that I hold it. They're only pretending to be in charge.
Rory adds another finger, hooking it deep inside me and causing a gasp to fight its way out of my mouth as I try to release Hunter's dick.
I can't though.
One hand is pushing me down and it doesn't take a genius to know it's Rory's handiwork.
Meanwhile, Hunter is rubbing soothing circles with his thumb over my pulse point.
It's a whole new taste of pleasure and pain.
"You're so fucking wet. We could both slide into your cunt at the same time." At his words, my pussy clenches like it's actually yearning for that exact scenario, and judging from the dark chuckle beside my ear, Rory knows it too.
Oh fuck.
No. He can't actually be serious.
"Is that what you want, baby? Two dicks fucking this greedy little pussy?" Again, my walls squeeze his fingers and again, he chuckles, all the while pushing my head down until I'm choking on Hunter's impossibly hard dick.
"Oh, Hunter. I think our benefits just doubled."
"Is that what you want, Angel?" My eyes fly up to Hunter's concerned gaze and whatever it is he sees in them only makes his irises dilate and his nostrils flare like a predator.
He may be the more docile of the three but I'm not crazy or naïve enough to think he's not just as hungry as Rory and Meyer.
In a matter of seconds, I'm torn off Hunter's dick and Rory's fingers are no longer inside me.
I blink up, a little disoriented, to see them both gazing down at me.
When did Hunter stand up?
It doesn't matter, I've got bigger problems right about now. Very, very big, and hard, and ready to pummel me, problems.
Still on my knees, I wonder why they're just standing there, staring at me.