A sadistic look flickers on his face. “You never have to worry about him ever again. You’re safe.”
I could ask for more, but I don’t know that I want to know. Opening my mouth to say as much, I’m cut off by the ringing of his phone. He pulls it from his pocket and frowns. “It’s Meyer, I need to take this.”
He answers the phone as I nod. “What’s up?”
Standing, he leaves the room as I’m assuming Meyer speaks to him. Frustrated, I let out a sigh and leave the room myself, heading up to my room. When I get up there, I see my bag from the gala lying on the bed. I grab it and check my phone, but it’s dead.
Of course it is.
I find my charger and plug my phone in before heading to my closet and dressing, all while trying not to obsess over what’s happening with Hunter, and what Rory meant by ‘dealt with Trent.’ I’m fairly certain I don’t want to know, but a small twisted part of me wants to know he suffered.
Suffered for what he did to me.
For what he did to Hunter.
But the other side of me, the more rational side, knows that knowing probably isn’t going to help me. Even if it will distract me from the fact that Hunter is in freaking critical condition.
Guilt spikes through me as I pull off Rory’s t-shirt, replacing it with a tank to go with a pair of leggings and a hoodie. My body aches too much, so comfort is my only aim right now. I check my phone and it’s finally on, but there are no notifications.
Instead of obsessing, I sit at my dresser and pull a brush through my now-dry bird’s-nest-like hair while trying to let a reasonable enough amount of time pass before I go and find Rory to discover what Meyer told him.
My stomach twists with worry and I chew at my lip.
Checking my phone again, I ignorantly push down my worry at the lack of notifications. Not that there’s many people that would check on me, but I haven’t heard from Tommy. My gut tells me it’s bad. That there’s absolutely no way he wouldn’t have gotten in touch, but the rational side of me that is still trying to cling to my sanity isn’t allowing me to voice my concerns.
To think about them too hard.
Because if the worst happened to Tommy in all of this… I don’t know if I’ll survive it. I’m just barely clinging on by sheer force of will. The determination that all of this wasn’t for nothing. That Trent can’t win.
Rory might not have said what happened to Trent, but he said I was safe and that I wouldn’t have to worry about him again, so I have to assume he’s dead and gone.
I should feel bad that I’m relieved by the thought, but I don’t.
Not after everything I just found out.
Fifteen minutes pass once I finish brushing my hair and my curiosity pushes me from my seat. It doesn’t take long to find Rory, but the look on his face makes me pause. He looks like he wants to tear someone in two.
Oh, God.
No. Please no.
Swallowing past the lump that rises in my throat, I call on the shards of courage I have left before I open my mouth. “Is he alive?”
It’s been four days since I woke up and I have finally convinced Rob and Rory to let me out of this freaking room without a chaperone. To say I’ve been climbing the walls is an understatement.
Especially once I got my memory back and Rory filled in some of the missing details. Hunter is still in the hospital. He’s stable, but they thought he wasn’t going to make it at one point. Yet Rory’s been here with me.
Why we couldn’t all just go to the normal hospital is beyond me, but Meyer said it wasn’t safe for me there with all things Trent going on. Hunter’s injuries are being explained as an attack by someone they don’t know.
He hasn’t filled me in on exactly why, but I intend to get that information today. From either him or Meyer. Meyer who hasn’t left Hunter’s side the entire time.
Meyer who must be exhausted.