The guy washes down the skin to get rid of the rest of the trace, then wraps it and sends me on my way. The spring afternoon is cold, but the sun is shining and there isn’t a cloud in sight.
“All done?” Bruno asks, and I hug him tight. He’s kinda gotten used to my pounce hugs lately. I was never really a hugger before, but lately... well, life is too short and you never know what’s around the corner. So now I am totally a hugger... well, sometimes.
“All done,” I say, my grin still wide when I release him. “Let’s go home and get ready for this party. The thought of the guys in suits for karaoke, it’s giving me life.”
“I still don’t know how you persuaded them to do it.” I wink at him and he barks out a laugh. “Actually, I don’t want to know. But I am glad we got out of the house today. Shae was in party planner nightmare mode. Tonio has been bitching in my ear about it all afternoon.”
I let out a cackle as he opens the car door for me. “You and me both, buddy. Why do you think I booked my tattoo for today? I knew Hurricane Shae would show up. I almost feel bad for volunteering Tina, Yen, and the girls to help her.”
“I knew there was a reason I liked you,” he teases before closing the door and climbing into the driver’s seat.
“Eddie.” I stop him with a hand on his shoulder before he can start the car and he must hear the seriousness in my voice because he doesn’t even try to ignore me, just turns as far as he can in his seat and waits for me to continue.
“I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about Tommy lately, the ink today is probably proof enough of that, but I’ve wanted to do something to carry on his legacy, you know? Keep saving people from futures they might not have a say in.”
I lick my lips, suddenly nervous as his stare bores into me, then rush through the rest of my words before I can chicken out and do it via text or something lame. “I set up a trust fund for your girls as soon as they got their acceptance letters. Tuition and housing will be paid in full as long as they maintain their grades. They deserve a brighter future and just because they don’t need saving from monsters doesn’t mean they don’t deserve help with achieving their dreams.”
The shock that flashes across his face is almost as shocking to me as the news must have been to him. But then his eyes glass over and I can see the tears collecting in their ducts.
“Oh, don’t cry, Bruno. If you cry then I’m gonna cry and we won’t get anything done.”
He clears his throat and wipes away the single tear that manages to escape.
“Thank you, Quinn. I think Tommy would be proud of the way you’ve managed to keep your heart with you through everything. You’re too good for this world.”
I smile and nod, brushing away my own tears as he turns around and starts the car, pulling away from the curb and into traffic.
“So, is now a good time to tell you that I also bought you and Other Bruno a twelve-day cruise in the Bahamas and got your time off approved by Meyer?”
We almost sideswipe the car next to us when he whips his head around to glare at me.
“Eyes on the road, big guy! You can yell at me when we get home!”
Oh yeah, these last few years might have been a lot to overcome, but now I’m looking forward, and I know the fun is only just about to begin.
* * *
The house is almost unrecognizable as I stare out over the bannister into the abyss of party land. There are balloons and streamers and just stuff everywhere. It seems the entire Marino clan was invited, despite the fact I’ve hardly met any of these people, and the last time everyone was here... well, just no. Not going there. Not today.
The bass from what I think is a DJ set up in the family room makes my heart almost vibrate as I descend into the party madness.
My shimmering black mermaid dress, a gift from Meyer, clings to my body like a second skin. Between that, the red soled shoes from Hunter, and the choker from Rory that hugs my throat and trails down my back, I feel like a princess.
“Stunning,” Rory groans in my ear as he presses up against my back. I swear, I don’t even startle these days. I’m almost used to them just randomly pouncing on me in the house. He pulls me up against him, his hardness pressing into my ass, and I bite my lip.
Tipping my head back to rest on his shoulder, I kiss his neck, nipping at him just to tease him right back. “This is going to be a long night if you’re starting this right now,” I murmur, and his hands tighten their grip on my hips as he lets out a soft groan.
“Oh yeah, one very long night. Unless I can steal you away now.”
A zip of thrill runs down my spine, but before I can agree to his temptation, I hear my name being called.
“Quinn Summers, don’t you dare do what I think you’re going to do!” Shae’s voice reaches me seconds before she does, and then she’s pulling me from Rory’s grasp. She turns to him and wags her finger. “Absolutely not, little lion. My mama wants a dance, and well, you’re not kidnapping the birthday girl. Not yet anyway. There are people to see, gifts to open, music to be danced to, and songs to sing.”
He pouts at her and a giggle falls from my lips. “Do not call me little lion, you freaking nightmare. And don’t steal her all night. I want at least one dance.”
“I won’t be that selfish,” Shae retorts, sticking out her tongue at him before tugging on my hand that she’s not yet released and pulling me into the family room. I get a glimpse of the dining room, where there’s a full bar set up, the DJ, and tables of food galore.
In the family room, there’s another bar, a dozen speakers, and a gift table that makes my eyes water. “That’s not all for me right?”