"Give it to me, Meyer. Fill me up with your cum." Gone is the scared little lamb trying to run from me. Here, beneath my beastly thrusts and my uncontrolled kisses and bites and sucking of her tits, I see a warrior. A true queen who is afraid of no one.
That thought makes me lose all semblance of control.
"You first."
Her pupils dilating to the point of hiding the true color of her eyes, she wraps her legs around my waist and locks her ankles at the small of my back. With pure adrenaline, she lifts her hips just as I bury myself impossibly deeper inside of her and explodes all over my dick. I don't even pretend to hold back.
My cum spills inside her like a hose that's been held back by a pinch. It's rushed and it's violent but it's everything that is us.
Panting and lust-crazed, I carefully fall onto her and breathe her name into her ear.
"I know. I know."
I close my eyes as she rolls us so that she's straddling me, my hands loosely caressing her sticky body.
In an instant, she's off of me and the heat of her body feels like it's miles away.
"What the fuck, Quinn?"
When I sit up, I see her at the door, unlocking it, before she turns to me with keys dangling from her fingers.
"I win."
This fucking girl.
Sometimes I wonder if being around monsters my whole life has made me one. I never used to think I was, but in the four days since I took Trent’s life, I have felt lighter than I ever remember feeling.
That’s not to say I haven’t been twisting and turning over if he was lying about what he said about my parents, but a weight that’s been with me my entire adult life is gone.
Partially replaced by the bullshit about my parents, but I’ve been... happy.
That said, Meyer said he called Denton to look into my potential kidnapping. I don’t know that I believe it, but I also don’t see what Trent would have gotten out of lying about it. Not at that point. I’m more confused about him not having used it against me before now. It seems like something he’d have held over me before now, but I don’t know what to think.
So I’ve tried not to.
Instead, I’ve been attempting to continue on with real life. I’ve been at the club, helping Yen with management shit since Harper isn’t around to do it. I’ve been talking to Shae about the charity boards she sits on to see if there’s anything I can do to help.
I’ve been training with Bruno, the bruise on my thigh and the ache in my shoulders is testament to him not taking it easy on me like he promised.
I even tried getting Carlos to teach me how to cook his delightful spicy chicken pasta, but despite our new truce of love and adoration, it turns out Carlos is not a good teacher. Hunter watching and laughing the entire time probably didn’t help, but I’ve decided that cooking flamboyant and extravagant dishes probably isn’t a strength of mine.
Not that it’s a skill I need living here, and a part of me keeps thinking that this might just be what forever looks like, but despite knowing the guys want me here, there’s still that voice in my head that tells me it won’t last.
That they don’t love me.
That nothing is forever.
Oh, how I love that voice. Not.
I shake off the negative thoughts and draw my attention back to the laptop screen in front of me.
Have I been looking into kidnappings from the year I was born? Obviously. But if I was kidnapped, is my birthday even my birthday? How does my birth certificate even exist? None of it makes sense.