Page 68 of The Truths We Seek

“Okay, I need to end the call for a minute. Put your phone on silent, I’ll call as soon as I can, okay?” I need to call Bruno. He’ll get to us first. He’s going to be so pissed I left without him but there just isn’t time to worry about that right now.

I hear a loud bang through the line, my eyes going wide as I push myself to my limit, weaving through the crowds to reach my friend. His voice booms in the background, and ice fills my veins as she whispers, “Hurry, Quinn.”

* * *

After calling Bruno and getting thoroughly yelled at, I hung up and tried to call Tina back but there was no answer. Dread roils in my stomach for the last few minutes it takes me to reach the building. I don’t see Sam or Eric, which doesn’t help the fear, but I don’t have time to search for them. Thankfully someone steps off the elevator as I reach the doors, so I jump in and jam the button for the top floor.

The stairs would talk me longer, otherwise I’d just run them too.


Couldn’t see Sam or Eric. Might need a medic. Or Rob.

I hit send on the message to Bruno, knowing that he’ll get the right people here. I know reinforcements are on the way, but I can’t just leave Tina to Matthew’s mercy until they get here. If something happens to her and I know I just stood around waiting for backup, I’d never forgive myself.

I’ve been her.

I understand that fear.

Each time Trent found me, I felt it; the sickening twist of my stomach, the phantom pains of each hit, each assault on my body... I can’t leave her alone with that.

Not if I can help.

And really, I don’t know what I can do. I’ve been training, but I don’t have a weapon. I have no idea what Matthew looks like, if I’m even strong enough to disable him, but I’ll be fucked if I don’t try to help my friend.

Impatience zips under my skin like fire as I wait for the elevator to reach the top floor. Once the ding sounds, I’m moving, heart in my throat when I hear his shouts from the hall. The door to the apartment is ajar and I take a deep breath before quietly pushing it open and entering the space.

He’s not in the main room, but he calls out to Tina again.

Good, he hasn’t found her. But he’s close. He’s in the bedroom.

My hands shake as I take a deep breath and try to creep across the room. Thank fuck I learned where all the creaky boards were when I lived here incase this exact thing happened to me with Trent.

I make my way across the room, hearing him taunting her makes my blood boil, but I try my best to keep my cool. Bruno should be here with backup soon. If I can just distract him from her long enough…

Pausing, I realize I should draw him out of the bedroom, so I head back to the kitchen, grab a glass from the cupboard, and launch it at the wall.

His egotistical bullshit tirade stops at the sound and I duck down behind the island.

“Where are you Tina? Is this some fucking new game? Cat and mouse? I knew you loved it, baby. I’ll chase you wherever you go.”

A shiver runs down my spine as I try not to gag. My skin feels like I’m covered in slime from his words.

He’s so much like Trent that it makes me want to physically be sick.

You can do this, Quinn. It isn’t Trent, but you’re stronger now. You’re stronger than him. Than this. You can do this. For Tina.

He doesn’t bother to mask his footsteps as he stomps into the room and the bedroom door swings so hard I hear it slam off the wall, wincing at the sound.

I really hope Tina stays hidden. I don’t know why she didn’t answer her phone, but as long as she’s alive and safe, that’s what I care about.

My phone buzzes in my pocket but I ignore it, trying to focus on the threat in the room. I just hope it’s Bruno or the guys letting me know they’re here.

Matthew comes closer as he moves away from the broken glass. “Come out, little mouse. This cat is hungry. This chase has me all kinds of wanting.”

Fuck me, he is so fucking gross.

I realize the cavalry isn’t going to get here before he finds me, so I take a deep breath and steel myself to face him.