"Kain." His name slips from me like little more than a breath, and his eyes dart to me, the amber ring of his eyes having overtaken most of the blue. He turns back to the rogue, squeezing tighter before throwing him back.
"Go back to whoever he is and tell them that I was merciful with you tonight because of a Hunter. She is the one who saved your life. As for the missing Dracul, I am here searching for them. Why would I be here if I were stealing them away? Fools!"
The rogue nods, on his knees, cowering.
"Get out of my sight."
The man scampers down the stairs and out of the hotel.
"Well, this was messy." Luc laughs and I shake my head.
"Much as I appreciate your brute strength, you didn't have to pull me from the fight," I tell Kain, hands on my hips, trying not to lose my cool.
"Uh-oh. You're in trouble again." Luc laughs and leaves us, I'm assuming to get someone in to help with this mess.
"I know you can fight like the best of us, mon coeur. But I could keep you from harm, and so I did. You have not yet awakened fully. I could not risk you so casually."
I huff at his words.
"What is it with stupid alpha egos that keep telling me I'm not ready to fight," I grunt, and he walks over to me slowly.
"I am sorry, Remy. I did not mean to offend you."
“Fine, it’s fine. I'm being a brat. I know it, you know it. Luc knows it." I hear his laughter ring out and it makes me smile a little. "I'm just sick of being in this in-between place."
He moves to hug me before realizing the state of him and stopping. I laugh at him, the Dracul who needs blood to survive, not remembering he is dripping with it.
"We should get out of here," he says, and I nod.
"Luc, do you have things sorted?" he asks, and Luc's voice reaches us from wherever he is in this infernal place.
"I do. Have fun, kids." I laugh at his words and shake my head.
"Would you like to come with me, Remy? We are staying in a hotel not far from here. I can get cleaned up, and then we can talk."
"I would like that." I smile at him and he shrugs out of his suit jacket, using it to wipe the blood from his hair and face.
"That will have to do for now." He smiles at me and lifts me into his arms as I try not to think about the blood.
"Close your eyes. It's been a while," he says with a wide smile, showing his fangs. I close my eyes and hold on tight. Wind wraps around us, so tight I think it might collapse my lungs. It only lasts a few minutes, but then we still, and I open my eyes to darkness. Kain places me down, and then with the click of a light switch, the room lights softly.
"I'm going to go get cleaned up, make yourself comfortable," he says smiling down at me, his eyes back to the bright blue I've come to recognize. I nod and he strolls across the suite and into a door on the opposite side, which I can only assume is the bathroom. I shrug out of my cloak and kick off my boots. Some people would say heeled boots are no good for running or fighting. To them, I say two words—fight me. I strip off my jeans and tank, the blood basically dried now, but still pretty gross.
I head to open the door closest to me, hoping to find a closet, and smile when I come across neatly hung clothing. I grab one of the white shirts and slip it over my shoulders, so long it covers me to just below my ass. I smile at my reflection and run my fingers through my hair to de-knot it as much as I can.
I sink into one of the chairs that looks out of the window, the city lit up below us, so many lights and such a pretty view against the black of the night sky, listening to the sounds of the shower. Anticipation builds in me, the low burn in my stomach growing as I wait for him.
He pulls open the door to the bathroom, steam pouring out, revealing his flawless figure. The contrast between his pale skin and dark features coupled with the hazy mist of the room gives him a mystical air, a presence beyond this realm. He’s fascinating and delectable, mouth-watering and mysterious. Mostly, he’s all mine.
I sway across the room to him, stopping just outside of his reach, my gaze unable to stop from trailing up and down his body.
"I think you have some drool, just there," he jokes, pointing to the corner of his lip, and I stick my tongue out at him.
"You come face-to-face with all of that and not drool a little," I tell him as I stand, and he does a double take, realizing I'm wearing his shirt and not much else.
"I prefer the view I have, thank you very much," he says, the bulge under his towel twitching. In a fraction of a second, he pulls me against him, his tongue licking my lips, his teeth capturing my bottom lip, slowly pulling it away before releasing.
“Well, I suppose I shouldn’t drool too much.” I shrug, playing it cool and knowing very well that I’m about to light a fire under his domineering ass. “I’m surrounded by bodies like yours a lot.”