Page 46 of The Secret of Pain

"But how?" I ask, but then I notice the detail I missed before. The elongated fangs, and the circle around his eyes. It can't be…

"Because a love like ours can never be broken," he says, kissing me, so passionate but so quick that it steals my breath. "Now go, Remy. Please. I will distract them as long as I can."

I move back to the room where I entered as quickly and as quietly as I can, trying hard not to look back at the man, no, the Dracul, who made me feel so much, so quickly. I shake my head to clear my thoughts, because I have never felt so confused, and spot Creek in the distance, heading toward me.

"We need to go. Now," I tell him.

"Did you get the talisman?" he asks, I shake my head, and we slip out of the hotel and run the distance back to my car a few blocks away. We dive into the car, and I catch my breath.

"What happened?" he asks, looking me over to make sure I'm in one piece.

I manage to keep my breath steady as I respond.

"I heard them talking. They were not happy it was taken—I have a feeling it will be returned. Then they realized we were there, which is when I hauled ass back and found you."

"That’s so weird," he says, looking at me as if he knows I'm not telling him everything.

"I guess. I'm just glad we got out of there unscathed." I awkwardly smile at him.

"Are you okay?" he asks, watching me closely.

"Fine, just a close call, and only my second time out." I shrug and start the car. Creek broods the entire drive back to my apartment. His mood is almost suffocating, and I spend the entire ride trying to not focus on it, but it’s like a dark cloud pressing down on me. This shit is so confusing, but I don’t know if I’m just seeing things that aren’t there with my memories starting to trickle in.

Maybe it’s just me?

I glance over at him and blow out a breath, the look on his face causing me to bite my lip. Nope, not just me.

Part of me wants to ask questions—a huge part—but conflict rages inside of me that maybe I don’t want to know what this is yet. That maybe I should wait until I remember more before I start reading into all of this.



Who the fuck knows, ’cause I sure as hell don’t.

I let out a sigh of relief as we pull into the parking lot of my building. I love this car, but right now, I want to not be trapped in such a tiny space with him.

"Are you staying again?" I ask him before we get out.

"I might as well. The house feels a little weird with Dad home."

"Okay." I smile at him and head in, glad that it’s too late to come across any of the other residents in the building.

"You want something to eat before we crash?" Creek asks as I close the door to the apartment, shrugging off my cloak.

"I can always eat, you know that." I spin and come face-to-face with him, barely an inch between us.

"Remy…" His voice breaks, and I suck in a breath. His hand reaches up and cups my chin gently, forcing me to look into his bright blue eyes. I shudder at his touch, and the world falls away as he leans forward, pressing his lips to mine, so softly that I think I might have imagined it. Creek pulls back and sighs before kissing me again, this time with a hunger. I wrap my arms around his neck, my hands in his hair as he lifts me, cupping my ass to bring me to his height. He pushes my back against the door, and I moan at the contact.

Creek pulls back, catching his breath, and resting his forehead on mine. "I don't know if you're ready, but I couldn't not kiss you. It has been too long, and after everything last night, and tonight…"

His words trail off and I just kind of blink at him in shock as he releases me, placing my feet back on the floor.

"It's too soon, but I remember. A little at least," I tell him, and he nods. I am definitely going to need another cold shower after this.

“I can wait. I’ll always wait for you,” he says with a smile, which makes my heart beat a little faster. He heads toward my spare room, leaving me to wonder how the hell I can react so strongly to two men. My heart tells me that I’m not ready to face those questions yet, but I’m not likely to let either of them go.

* * *