It does not take long for the rogues still standing to flee, not all making it out as my faction rains their anger down upon them. Soon, silence fills the air once again, the disabled rogues shot, no longer a threat, the sounds of crying the only thing to break it.
“Celeste,” Abel cries, dropping to his knees, her head in his lap, her throat ripped out—so is her heart.
“Is everyone else okay?” I ask my dad as I reach him, but he shakes his head. I follow his line of sight and see Gabriel on the ground, not getting back up, and next to him, unmoving, is Ben.
“No,” I gasp, my feet moving before I take note, bringing me to the fallen Elder. I don’t bother checking for a pulse, the hole in his chest tells me he’s not getting back up. The matching one in Gabriel breaks something inside me.
“How the fuck did this happen?” I look to the Hunters around me, still standing, anger a matching look on every face. “And how the hell did we not know about rogues banding together in these numbers?”
No one says a word as I look back down to Ben’s face. “This will not go unanswered,” my dad says, fiery rage heating his words. “We will mourn and give the fallen the respect they deserve in passing, but then… Then we hunt.”
It’s taken two days to get to this point. To contact the loved ones of the fallen and make the necessary arrangements. The faction is up in arms about the loss of an Elder, and my dad has been asked to step up in the interim.
To cover and look over our territory on this continent.
In those two days, I have been bitched at by my brothers, their emotions overrunning, about being too calm, too still. What they don’t know is that the anger is there, deep in the pit inside me, but I hone it, as I have always done, to be unleashed when it is most needed. Which will come when we hunt.
Bauer has already started putting feelers out, trying to find out some news on when the rogues from those two factions started working together, who leads them, and whether it was planned by the heads of those factions. He doesn’t know what I do. That Roman and Kain would never put my life at risk by attacking like that, but still the question remains, if not them, then who?
I told neither of them what happened, and yet, they both still knew. Blowing up my phone day and night for the last two days while I’ve spent the time talking to funeral homes, arranging a plot for Ben, a cremation for Celeste and Gabriel as per Abel’s wishes, while the others bitched and moaned, getting very little done.
Maddie looked as exhausted as I felt when I left my dad’s last night. I finally called it a day around midnight, crawling back to my apartment, to my bed. Which is exactly where I am now, trying to not think about everything I lost when Ben’s life was taken. All the possibilities squandered. Because I don’t want to be a selfish, heartless bitch. But my friend is gone. I know I will see him again, but it will not be in this lifetime. Of that I am sure.
The funerals are tomorrow, so I am taking today for myself. A day away from everyone, to just be. To embrace the fact that I survived and take care of myself. Just for one day. So, I climb out of bed, head to the bathroom, and start to run myself a lavender and lily bubble bath.
Sushi appears at my feet, so I pick him up and pet him, enjoying his quiet company. “I better get you some breakfast,” I say softly and pad my way through to the kitchen, going through the motions, almost feeling like I’m in the past, before I knew about Hunters and monsters and magic. When I’m done with Sushi’s breakfast, I pop some bread in the toaster, then put on the coffee machine, enjoying the stillness of the morning.
I eat my breakfast while I wait for the tub to fill, and once it is, I sigh happily as I sink into the hot, steaming water. My hair piled on my head to keep it dry as I can, I lie back and let the water relax the kinks and tensions of my muscles.
Closing my eyes, I let myself drift off and think of happier times. Trudging across Europe with Kain. Exploring ruins buried deep in the green forests with Roman. Living the life of luxury with Creek in England, amongst the royals we had befriended on the battlefield.
So much time, so many memories, and so much love. I wonder how I will manage to keep them all in this life. If they will learn to tolerate each other, possibly even befriend each other, or more, because of their love for me. To keep me happy.
I lose track of time, lost in my memories enjoying the peace they bring, and trying not to grow frustrated at the things that are missing, the things I still don’t know.
The water cools, and my skin starts to prune, so I climb from the serenity of the water and wrap myself in towels, drying off quickly before slipping into my nightgown. Padding into the kitchen, I open the refrigerator and gaze longingly at the cheesecake Fallon brought over yesterday. Ten in the morning is too early to eat cheesecake, right?
Just as I shut the door, taking a step away from it, a knock halts me in place. Roman would have likely broken in. Creek, Fallon, and the rest of my family would have used their keys. I turn back, open the door, and come face-to-face with Kain.
“Hello, mon amour,” he says as he sweeps into the room, capturing my face in his hands and kissing me so sweetly, filled with so much love, it warms me to my core. “I have been so worried about you. I heard what happened and have been trying to find out what is going on, but even my sources are slow in returning. How are you feeling?”
He pulls me into his arms, and I melt against him, letting his warmth seep into me. “I’m okay. Angry, sad, and confused, but I’m okay,” I tell him as I step back and pour myself a mug of coffee, offering him one at the same time. “You truly know nothing?”
“I do not. You did not think me a part of it?” he asks, his eyes wide with hurt. His posture slips, and any reservations I might have had disappear completely.
“Never. I know you would never put me in harm’s way or want to hurt me.”
“Good, ma chérie. I would never—all I want to do is protect you. If I thought you’d let me, I’d have you on a plane before sundown, far away from this place and all that is coming.”
“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.
“I told you of the rumors I heard, well, they speak of creatures I have not faced in my many centuries. Creatures of nightmare brought to life.” A shudder runs through me at his words.
“Let’s hope that they’re just rumors to distract from the rogues banding together.” I sigh, feeling the weight of it all on my shoulders. “Have you heard anything about a material that Hunters are unable to heal from?” I ask as I twist the iridium ring on my finger. “My dad was attacked, and I meant to ask, but I’ve been so wrapped up inside my own head, everything has just run away from me.”
“Do not berate yourself, Remy. Others will try to pull you down with every opportunity as it is. You have been dealing with a lot, and once your awakening is complete, you’ll be surprised to realize this happens to you a lot. You love working out puzzles, you always have, so not having all the pieces of your own mind is enough to drive you mad. You get lost, so far down that rabbit hole, sometimes you do not emerge until the process is complete. You are doing well to be as present as you are. Many Hunters do not do as well. Why do you think your brothers and your father are so lenient with you right now? They all struggled much worse than you. That you were able to hunt alone already is a testament to how much stronger you are than most.” He wraps me back up in his arms and holds me close, letting the words sink in.