I mull it over in my mind. It's Tuesday according to my phone, though with no job, it’s been hard to keep up with the days. Thank the Fates for Hunter savings—I won't have to work for this lifetime, or many others.
Saturday works. Where?
I wait not so patiently for his reply to my message but it doesn’t take long.
I will pick you up. Be safe, you never know what lurks in the dark.
His response sends a chill up my spine. Not only has he been here this entire time when everyone thought he'd vanished, but now he gives me some cryptic warning. Awesome. I try not to think about the fact that one of the world’s deadliest predators can disappear from the face of the earth and move around in the shadows without anyone realizing.
The Uber stops in front of the house, and there are so many cars here.
I thank the driver and climb out, watching as he leaves, just for another moment of peace before I face whatever waits for me inside the house. The voices reach me before I even get to the door, and I realize they're in the back yard.
I walk on the wraparound porch to the back of the house—the laughter of children, with squeals, and the smells reach me before I get back there, making me smile despite my slight irritation.
A cookout.
They harassed me for a cookout.
I roll my eyes, but wave as people spot me, and head into the kitchen.
"Oh, Remy, sweetheart, you made it!" Maddie exclaims with a big grin. "We thought we should celebrate your dad's recovery, plus, with Colt’s birthday next week, it seemed like something fun to do since we had everyone here."
"You realize they made it out like someone was dying to get me here?" I tell her.
"Of course they did, they didn't think you'd come. You've been distant lately."
"What…" I interrupt but she waves me off.
"You've been present in body, Remy. But your mind… like I say. Distant. We understand, we've all been there, but we didn't know if you'd come for this. Just know that you can talk to us. We've all been through the awakening. I don't even want to think how many times. Your struggle isn't new to any of us, even you, but you won't understand that until it is complete. I know it is obscure, but I am always here for you. No matter what." She squeezes my shoulder before turning back to the chopping board in front of her. Salad bowls galore scattered across the kitchen. I shrug off my jacket and hang it over the back of a chair.
"Can I help?" I ask, guilt coloring my words, because she's right. I might have been here, but I haven't been, not really. Other than my stolen moments with Creek, my mind has been whirring, trying to make sense of everything, of the mess I've landed myself in.
"You sure can, after you shower.” Her raised eyebrow as she looks me over makes me laugh. “The potatoes should be cooled by now—you can make the potato salad," she says with a warm smile, and I can't help but wonder if her words of ‘no matter what’ would still be true if she knew.
Running upstairs, I take the quickest shower I’ve ever had and throw on some fresh clothes before joining Maddie back in the kitchen. I grab the potatoes, and everything else I need from the refrigerator, and lose myself in the motions of it, just enjoying the quiet comforting presence and trying to be here with my family.
The laughter of the Bellos’ children makes me feel lighter as I help Maddie carry everything out from the kitchen and lay it on the tables that are outside. My dad, Nate, and Abel are all manning the grill, beer in hand, while my brothers and Creek mess around with the kids, playing what I think is meant to be football.
I smile, wider than I have in a while as the sun shines down on us, not a cloud in the sky, and appreciate everything that I have.
"Grub’s up!" my dad yells, and like a swarm, everyone descends on the tables Maddie and I just laid out while Dad brings over trays of burgers, chicken, and steak. Creek comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me. Blush stains my cheeks as he kisses the top of my head, both our families watching.
Shock covers their faces momentarily before they smile and get back to the food.
"About time." Colt smiles. "Maybe now he'll stop brooding."
"Shut up, man." Creek laughs and squeezes me tighter. I try to not let panic overrun me at his declaration to everyone without us having spoken about it. I guess after the other morning, with our history, he just assumed. He couldn't know how complicated everything is in my head, my heart.
"You okay?" he asks, and I try to relax my stiffened state.
"Yeah." I smile up at him, and he kisses me softly. I lean into his kiss, gentle but hot enough to make my toes curl.