“There are none. They fled when your kind came to the town. Her death is on your hands.” Creek’s words are laced with venom, and I wince.
“Stop it, please. Just stop. You both live in my heart, and I could not choose, so I chose myself. Either of your deaths would have broken me, but you are both stronger than me. Try, please, to mend the bridges that were burned by our ancestors. Learn, as I have, the truth of it all.” I try to breathe, but my heart stutters in my chest, failing me.
“Remy, no,” Creek’s voice breaks as Roman kisses my forehead.
“Go now, my mate. Suffer no more. I will find you again.”
The call came in as I was brushing my teeth. The message was simple. Get my ass home.
Fucking pushy asshole men.
I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. I might have woken up with the red mother saying hello. Regardless, I don't appreciate the summons, the dictation of my movements, especially when I had plans. Those plans included getting real cozy with my couch, the ice cream in my freezer, and the latest season of Vampire Diaries. How bloody dare they summon me.
All because Colt is home. No update on Dad, he's the same. I checked first thing before I made my plans. But no, Colt, the freaking douchebag, stomped all over my plans.
Am I whining? Hell yes, I am. Am I going to apologize for it? Abso-fucking-lutely not!
I rinse my face and shut off the taps before pulling my mess of hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head.
They should be thankful I got dressed and put a goddamn bra on today. Makeup can suck it.
I feed Sushi and grab my phone and keys before heading down to my car. The smell of leather when I climb in calms me a little, but I still feel the irritation, like bubbles beneath my skin. I love this car. I close my eyes, rub the steering wheel, and take a deep breath, not willing to sacrifice my baby because I'm in a shitty mood and end up rear-ending some asshole on the way over to my dad’s.
I swear, if they don't have breakfast waiting…
I put the car in gear and ease out of the spot, cranking the music up so loud I can barely hear myself think. The perfect way to spend this journey. PVRIS fills my car with their haunting melodies, and it’s almost enough to lift my mood, especially with the hint of fall peeking through. The leaves turning to those beautiful browns and reds rather than just green.
I wind down the road to my dad’s house and turn off into the driveway, slowing as my tires crunch on the gravel. By the time I reach the front of the house, I notice the three other vehicles already parked there. Bauer. Colt. Creek.
Awesome. A full house.
I park and take a minute to tamp down the irritation as much as I can. Don't get me wrong, I know without a doubt if they piss me off today, I'm likely to fly off the handle, and considering my new skills, that's not going to end well. So I try the breathing exercise from my new meditation app and try to visualize the overwhelming rage draining from me.
After a few minutes, I climb from the car and head inside the house, to more voices than the three I expected to find. I stroll through to the kitchen and don't find anyone, so make my way back through to the family room, when the voices stop.
"Holy shit, it’s my Remy girl!" The man, with skin so dark it almost glows, practically runs toward me and lifts me into his arms, spinning me in circles. I hold on tight, because what is this madness?
He lets me down, squeezing me into a hug before noticing how stiff I am.
"She's only two months into the awakening, Gabriel,” Colt says behind us.
"You don't remember me yet?" he asks with a pout, and I shake my head.
"Nope, sorry." I shrug and take a step back, noticing the other faces that I don’t recognize in the room. "What’s going on?"
"What’s going on is my bestest, baddest bitch doesn't remember me," he huffs. "Rude. Well, I'm Gabriel. Nice to see you again, I guess."
I laugh at him, because he's outrageous but obviously brilliant.
"Obviously, I'm the freaking worst. But seriously, what's going on?" I look to Bauer, who's standing at the front of the room, wondering why no one let me know what the hell was going on before I rocked up in here.
Colt moves his head, motioning to meet him in the backyard, so I leave the room, leaving everyone in there still looking at me like I'm some show clown.
"What on earth is this, Colt?" I hiss.
"This is a gathering, because the faction activity in Salem's Bay is getting out of control. These are people our family have trusted for an eon. I thought Dad would be awake by now, that it would be okay to bring them here to help."