Page 5 of The Secret of Pain

I laugh at her and turn to find the rest of our small group: my dad, Colt, Creek, Fallon, my other bestie, and her little sister, Rebel. Jack stands off to the side, excluded from the group, as if trying to keep himself from catching their crazy as he so delightfully calls it. I roll my eyes and finish saying hello to the group before taking my seat at the table, with Dad to my right and Jack to my left. The noise dies down as our server comes in and takes everyone’s drink orders.

Jack squeezes my hand under the table, and I gift him a small smile. I take a deep breath, because so far so good.

“So, Colt, how long are you guys back for?” Fallon asks, with a wicked smile on her face as I groan internally.

“Well, since you asked so nicely, I think me and the man bun are done with our adventures for now. It’s time to come back home,” he says to her and winks at me. My gaze drifts to Creek next to him at the table. He’s stiff as a board, and his jaw is clenched, looking to Jack at my side, who is equally as tense.


“Are you guys really sticking around?” I ask, my gaze bouncing between Creek and Colt as the table turns silent.

“We are,” Creek says, pulling his gaze from Jack and hitting me with those bright green eyes of his. There’s so much emotion in his eyes, it’s always been the same way.

“I guess you guys should take the next few weeks to spend as much time together as you can then, since we’ll be moving after the wedding in a few months,” Jack says, and the table explodes. I drop my head into my hands, because this is not how tonight was meant to go. Happy Birthday to me.

“Over my dead body,” Colt says, while Bauer pins Jack with a look that could be classified as deadly.

“Now then, boys, I’m sure they’re not going far, right?” Maddie, ever the diplomat, speaks up, trying to calm my thunderous father.

“Well, erm…” I sigh.

“We’re heading over to the East Coast. I have a once in a lifetime opportunity with a fellowship,” Jack tells the table, and I can almost feel the rage coming from my dad.

“I forbid it,” he says, his voice booming across the room. Fallon sends me an apologetic look, while Rebel sits next to her wide-eyed.

“Dad, come on… You can’t do that.” I take his hand and he snatches it away.

“The hell I can’t! And you, Boy Wonder with a giant stick up your ass, if you think differently, you’ve got a lot to learn.”

“This. This right here is part of the reason why we’re moving. Your family has no idea about real life or boundaries. Remy and I are engaged. We’re going to be married. There isn’t anything you can do to stop it.” Jack levels my dad with his stare, a battle of two titans in a single look.

“Watch me,” Bauer says, his voice lethal as he pulls a gun and lays it on the table.

“You see! You’re all fucking crazy. Who the hell brings a gun to dinner?” Jack shouts and stands, yanking me up with him. “Come on, babe. We’re leaving. This is ridiculous.”

“You let go of her right the fuck now,” Creek growls as Jack’s fingers press into my upper arm. I try not to wince at his grip, but I’m pretty sure that’s going to leave a mark.

“You don’t get to speak to me like that,” Jack says, pulling me toward the door, which Colt and Creek block.

“You guys, it’s fine. We should just go,” I say, tearing my arm from Jack's grip. He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind, but I lift my chin and look him in the eye. “You started this. You couldn’t just let me have one nice night with everyone I love.

“As for you two, I appreciate the sentiment, but standing up for me now after ditching and ghosting me for a year…it’s too little too late. Maddie, Fallon, guys, I’m sorry. I’ll be over for dinner in a few days, but we’re just going to go.”

“Okay, sweetheart, you take care, and happy birthday,” Maddie says from her chair, her hand on my dad’s shoulder, I’m pretty sure keeping him from leaping across the table in anger.

“Love you, girl.” Fallon blows me a kiss and Rebel gives me a little wave. I turn back to the door, but Colt and Creek haven’t moved.

“Please, you guys,” I say quietly, and their faces drop. I can’t quite read them, but the disappointment streaming at me from the room is overwhelming. They separate, framing the door, and Jack storms out as soon as there’s space.

“I love you, little bit,” Colt whispers and kisses my cheek as I leave, trying not to let the tears in my eyes stream down my face.

* * *

I drag the covers up over my head and sink into my pillows, ignoring this shitty week. It’s my twentieth birthday, which means it’s also a week to the day before the seventh anniversary of my mom’s death. A senseless, stupid moment of time, which spun my entire life out of control.

I remember the day the week after my thirteenth birthday like it was yesterday. We were meant to go shopping, go get our hair done. A rite of passage she said. She just had to pop out for some grocery shopping first. She and Maddie had a weekly date, though I know it’s because my stupid brothers ruined my cake. I heard her yell at them last night when she thought I was asleep. So, she said she’d go shopping and then she’d be back. That’s what she told me, at least…

I remember baking in the kitchen. Bauer and Colt were outside playing football with Creek, while Fallon and I were eating more of the cookie dough than we were baking, and my dad was out in the shed, doing whatever the hell it was he did out there. The kitchen phone rang, and I answered the phone laughing. Maddie’s voice sounded strained, but I didn’t think anything of it when she asked for my dad.