“I’d be better in darkness,” I tell him, pulling the comforter up over my head. I hear his chuckle and a click as the door closes.
“That better?” he asks and the mattress dips. I pull the comforter back down and find him sitting cross-legged at the end of my bed. Seeing his hulk at the end of my queen bed is amusing as fuck, because he looks so out of place, but I swallow the laugh, because my head hurts enough as it is.
“Much, thank you.”
“How’s your head?” he asks, and as I sit up properly, I get the feeling he needs to talk. It’s not often he looks this serious.
“It’s been better, stuff is starting to come back to me. It’s a bit of a jumbled mess, and I feel more confused than anything, but I could be worse I guess.” I shrug. “Is it always like this?”
He nods, looking solemn. "Yeah, it sucks ass. I was in bed for a week, but then, my ritual wasn't as dramatic as yours. I didn't get all of my memories, even after six months, so there are still gaps, but most stuff has been filled in. The important stuff anyway." I smile at him and he shrugs. "I think you might get it all back."
"Yeah. Being Angel-blessed is no joke. It’s like a fairytale to Hunters. A story from generations before us. From the beginning. Of those who managed such feats that they became Angel-blessed, with great powers, beyond those of a normal Hunter. And, I mean, you were kinda beyond anyway. If I'm honest, it kind of scares me, Remy. It's going to make you an even bigger target, and not just to the other factions. Not all Hunters are what they seem, so just be careful, okay? Once it’s safe to fill you in completely, I will. I trust you, you're blood. I know you wouldn't betray us, or the faction. You’ve always been about the greater cause. Just trust me, and outside of the people you know closest, trust no one. Not even the Elders."
"I'm not scared, Colt, I mean, look at how the mark tried to protect me at the ritual, and something inside me tells me that was just a tiny warning hit. But if it makes you feel better, I'll be careful."
"Thanks, Remy. Bauer asked me to check on you and your mark. Get some pictures." He waves his phone in front of his face. "That okay?"
"Sure," I nod and move so my back is facing him. I lift my hair out of the way, and close my eyes as the flash lights up the room.
"So, this is weird, but… can you lift your top?" I can practically hear him squirm behind me and I laugh.
"Colt, it’s just my back, it’s not like we've never been swimming together." I roll my eyes and lift my tank top, his intake of breath making me pause.
"It's grown, hasn't it?" I sigh.
"You could say that, yeah." He snaps a few more pictures and I pull my top down. "You need anything else before I head out? I'm hitting the gym with Creek for a bit before our patrol tonight."
"No, I'm good, thank you. Just tell Bauer to let me know what he finds. Oh, and can you send me those pictures? As soon as I can stand the light, I want to take a look." He nods and my phone buzzes on the nightstand. "Thanks."
"Anything for you, little bit. Catch you later."
"I'm not going anywhere." I reassure him and lie back down, wondering what Colt meant about the Elders but too tired to really care about asking. I close my eyes and decide not to worry about it. Fates knows I've got enough to worry about right now as it is. My head starts pounding, a low thrum, and I know what's coming, so I get comfortable and pray for sleep.
* * *
The branches of the trees whip my face as I tear through the forest, running faster than I ever remember running. I hear them behind me, the rogue Lycans from the nest I found tonight. Of course, I'd insisted on coming alone, one little Lycan nest is nothing, I'm a fucking idiot.
I pause, holding my breath and focusing on listening to their steps. The thuds of movement become rhythmic, and I realize they've shifted. Mother fuckers.
I debate climbing the trees, wolves and climbing, not two things that typically go together, but that seems like the easy way out, and Remington Bennett has never taken the easy way out. Never.
I take a deep breath and start running again. I head west to the clearing I found on the way here, knowing that I've got a better chance of surviving if I have space to fight, rather than darting through these goddamn trees.
Howls ring out around me as the wolves notice the new hint of fear in my scent. The pounding behind me grows closer and I push harder—this is not my night to die.
I reach the clearing, completely empty, lit by the glow of the full moon. If Lycans could only shift with a full moon, that would make the rest of the month so much easier.
"Hunter," the half-shifted man growls as he breaks the tree line.
"You guys should have just gone on your way, rather than chasing me. That was a stupid idea."
"You slaughtered our mates!" the woman who just broke the tree line screams.
"You shouldn't have left the safety of your pack, I guess. Rogue wolves are easier to track. Easier to put down." I shrug, faking the nonchalance I wish I felt.
I draw the swords from my back, only one of them lethal to the Lycans emerging from the trees, but considering there's six of them and one of me, I'll take my chances on any injuries. I already took out six of these shit heads. I have no idea how so many rogues banded together. Usually they travel in pairs, or as a foursome max.