Page 7 of Magic and Medicine

‘Tone down your insolence. Yes, he will live, and as soon as he is properly awake, you will investigate who shot him. You can start cleaning up here; I will drive her home.’

They talked over my head again, ignoring me as if we were living in the last century. I should have interrupted their little game of coddling the helpless woman, but I didn’t have the energy to fight. I was tired, dirty, and not in the mood for their testosterone-fuelled display.

‘She can take herself home, and you two should refrain from contacting me ever again. But who am I talking to? I told you this last time I saw you, and here I am doing your dirty work. I’m breaking our agreement, and frankly, I don’t care if you bury me.’ I said, marching toward the door, followed by Adam’s laugh and Leszek’s angry commands for his subordinate.

Sunlight blinded me as I left the warehouse, and I cursed the loss of another night’s sleep. Before they could adjust to the brightness, I closed my eyes, feeling the comforting embrace of the forest, Leszek’s voice deepening the connection despite his words.

‘Sara, we need to talk.’

I turned around and looked at him, sheltering my eyes from the rising sun.

‘We’ve talked a lot recently, and you forced me into doing this. That boy could have died. I’m not a surgeon, and you forced me to operate….’ I stopped, swallowing back tears. There was no point in explaining that I would be shattered if this young wolf died under my care. Instead, I sniffled, clenching my fists.

‘So what do you want to talk about now? How you forced me to perform surgery in filthy conditions, or how could I lose my licence for operating outside my scope of practice? Oh, no, wait, maybe you wanted to talk about how you did something to me in the hospital, and now all I can think of is how to make you touch me. So, what is it? What you want to talk about, oh mighty Forest Lord?’

The concern etched on Leszek’s face when he approached me further infuriated me, so I held my hand out to stop him before the compassion in his eyes could melt my defences. I needed the anger to stop this madness and time to process what happened. He manipulated you to do his bidding, I thought. Luckily, it was enough to bolster the fury inside. I’d hated being surprised and treated like a puppet my entire life, and I was confronted by an abundance of both tonight. He made me feel vulnerable and unsure of my skills, not to mention stripped of choice, because I couldn’t let the man on the table die, and Leszek somehow knew it.

When he finally stopped, the distance seemed too far and not far enough, his frowning eyes more confused than upset. I watched as his hand lifted toward me, only to fall, fingers clutching for something neither of us understood. I longed for a comforting embrace, but the fact I was longing for his touch made me want to slap him.

Leszek was the one who turned me into this emotional wreck, disrupting my life with the force of a tornado, and now I wanted him to be the one who took all my worries away? Get a fucking grip, Sara, or pay an escort if you’re that desperate for male attention. I scorned my weakness, annoyed that I wanted to hurt this green-eyed demon for what he did and kiss him for what he was. Even if I didn’t know who or what he was. Instead, I clenched my teeth, calming my racing heart and acted like a reasonable adult.

‘I know you have secrets, and I understand the circles you move in, whatever you call them, differ from mine. I agreed to help by contacting you about any “special” arrivals to the hospital, but that’s it. I’m not a mob doctor, supernatural or not, and I refuse to be put into a situation like this again. Do I make myself clear?’

A light smile played over his lips before he nodded and pointed to the car. ‘Yes, you made yourself perfectly clear, my Lady. Please allow me to drive you home.’

‘I told you I can get myself home. I don’t need a lift.’ My outburst didn’t discourage him. Instead, he opened the car door and gestured inside. When I didn’t move, he came and gently placed his hand on the small of my back, barely touching it.

‘Sara, please. You are tired and have had no sleep, so please let me take you home. I owe you this and much more for what you did. Let me look after you.’

‘… and whose fault is that?’ I asked, but he was right, and I didn’t want to spend an hour on the tram trying to stay awake, so I let him lead me to the car. His smile was as radiant as the morning sun when I settled in the seat, and I involuntarily smiled back. It had been so long since someone wanted to look after me. He also looked after the injured teen, yet he would let him die if I refused to help. This thought sobered me up. I was another pet project to the man who seemed to work in some weird, magical underworld.

I turned to the window when the door closed, confused by conflicting emotions. Leszek must have sensed my mood, and we drove silently for a moment before the infuriating man broke the silence.

‘I have done nothing to make you want to touch me. In fact, I’m as surprised as you are that you react this way.’ He said, and I rolled my eyes. There was no better place to discuss my body’s weird attraction than being locked in a car with a handsome stranger.

‘Fine! It is my fault, then. You are handsome, and I’m horny, but I see no problem with it, as we’ll never meet again. Right? And as soon as you disappear from my life, I will easily find a replacement.’ I said, inhaling deeply when the car filled with his earthy forest scent and the vehicle’s speed increased to dangerous levels.

‘No, it is not fine, and you’ll never find a replacement because I’m going nowhere.’ His voice was quiet, the answer spoken after a terse silence, and my eye gravitated to his tight, angry lips.

‘That is my decision about who I met and how. What right do you have, telling me what I can do?’

‘Power, little seer, that is my right. Whatever fate put you in my path, you are mine now. I won’t risk anyone using you to discover my secrets or expose my people. Still, I would happily oblige if you so desperately need comforting.’

‘You must be fucking joking.’ I said, overwhelmed by his statement. Suddenly, he turned to look at me.

‘No, I’m not fucking joking. I’m deadly serious. I am the only man who will touch you until I figure out who you are and why my magic affects you so strangely.’

‘Look out!’ I shouted when the car swerved across the carriageway in front of an oncoming truck. Leszek snapped his fingers, and with a bang, the truck’s tyre exploded, sending the lorry into the roadside ditch.

‘Fine, no one will touch me. I get the message.’ I answered quickly, holding the seatbelt for dear life while Leszek moved the car back to the correct side of the road.

My whole body shook as I stared at the wreck, not realising I held my breath until the lorry door crashed open, and the driver climbed out, shaking a fist at our disappearing vehicle. ‘He is fine. I’m not a monster.’ Leszek said, as if my opinion of him mattered.

I slumped in the chair. The adrenaline rush left me weak with a pounding heart, a foul taste in my mouth and more questions than I could express. Leszek might not consider himself a monster, but a man willing to cause a crash to prove a point was not a good man, either.

‘I’m sorry for your distress, but there will be no arguments until I know what to do with you. You will follow my instructions.’ As he finished, Leszek lay his free hand on my knee, squeezing it lightly. I wanted to protest, but a quick look at his face and I choked back my words. It must have been tiredness rather than his strangely soothing touch because before I knew it, my eyes were fluttering closed as I leaned against the passenger door, an E.R. doctor’s ability to rest when needed kicking in. I vaguely remember a gentle rocking when he lifted me from the car, and softly spoken words intruded on my dreams as I embraced his neck instinctively.

‘I’m sorry. I keep forgetting how fragile humans are.’