Page 67 of Magic and Medicine

‘Where are others?’ I whispered when we moved forward, and Leszek pointed toward the beach. I had to strain my eyes, but I saw the movement in the water.

‘Merfolk,’ he whispered, then gestured toward the forest border, and after a moment, I caught sight of a reflection, quickly covered. ‘Shifters.’ Finally, he tapped his watch. It flashed a few times with a dim light, and several others on the ground around us responded with the same sequence. ‘Adam and Nadolny with their crews.’

Leszek turned toward me, his calloused hand gently stroking my cheek. ‘I used this time well, my love. I’m prepared, as much as I can be. Adam and Nadolny will create a distraction. The merfolk and shifters will attack whoever leaves the protective ward around the building; the rest, sweet Firefly, are ours to deal with. That bastard Rostov created a door, or rather, a chamber where even the high gods can exist with their power intact. Unfortunately, that means I also have no way of seeing through the enchantments fused into the amber.’ The frustration in Leszek’s expression made me smile, and I nodded to let him know I understood.

‘Let’s go. It is time to kick some arse. Also, remind me not to cross you. Not if this is what happens when you’re angry,’ I said, feeling the dagger digging into my thigh. Whatever happened, I hoped my preparations were just as impressive.

He grimly nodded, almost smiling, and we walked toward the temple. Leszek used his magic to glamour himself so well that even I couldn’t see him, and only his warm hand holding mine reassured me he was still there.

‘Hey, arseholes, tell your master I’m here!’ I shouted when we got close. Several faces turned in my direction.

A whisper in my ear made me shiver as Leszek released my hand. ‘I will be right behind you. Grab Nina and run to the forest. My men will handle the rest.’

‘Come along, princess, Nicolai is expecting you.’ The man who answered me had a thick Russian accent but didn’t look unfriendly. More disinterested and after joining him, I asked.

‘So, what does Nicolai want from me?’ I asked, trying to give Leszek information about Rostov’s plans.

‘That I don’t know, but he’s waiting for you. I suggest you cooperate. You wouldn’t want to know what he does to those who oppose his orders.’

‘Did you ever oppose?’

‘He wouldn’t dare after witnessing what I can do to him, his men, and you, Sara. You’ve made me wait for long eno…’ Rostov came out of nowhere and looked at me before he sneered. ‘I told you to come alone.’

He was either insanely fast, or he played with time again because one moment, he held me by my arm, and the next, I was standing in the temple with its doors slamming shut behind me.

His actions were the catalyst to pandemonium. Shots burst from the darkness, followed by the shouting of men and howling of wolves, but the most terrifying sound came from the doors that bent and cracked when something massive and powerful slammed into them.


Leszek’s voice was nearly incomprehensible, a roar that shook the small room’s walls, but I focused on the man gripping my arm. His ashen white hair and colourless eyes starkly contrasted with his dark clothing. He could even be handsome if not for this lack of colour, almost like he detested all joy in life, opting for the monochrome palette.

‘Your lover is exerting his power against my wards, but we will be finished before he breaks them. Come, my priestess, it is time to fulfil your duty to humanity and return our Lord Czernobog to his rightful place. Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll grant you a boon for your service, maybe even letting you keep your beast,’ he said, laughing when the pounding stopped at the sound of an alluring voice. ‘Or maybe not. It looks like the Lady Jurata has come for her betrothed.’

My heart almost stopped as I recognised the name of the green-haired sea goddess with eyes the colour of stormy seas who was hellbent on seeing me dead. Now I knew why.

‘I trust him and didn’t come here to listen to your lies.’ I let my disdain for his games show, looking down at where his hand still rested on my arm. ‘Where is the woman you took from the shifter’s hospital?’ My eyebrow lifted, and he released me with a shrug.

‘Come with me, and you will see her, but do not attempt to escape. This place is locked down by the spells even your lover can’t breach. If you even so much as twitch in the wrong direction, I’ll rip you so far from time’s embrace you’ll wander eternity alone.’

My mind savoured images of Rostov’s demise, but it was more important to free Nina, so I followed him, praying she was alive. We walked from the antechamber to what I could only assume was the main prayer room. The interior was much bigger than I’d expected, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by the pillars of black oak until my eyes stopped at the sight of a roughly hewn stone table. No, not a table, an altar, I thought, grinding my teeth at seeing Nina laid out, spreadeagled and restrained on its surface, wracked by the pain of struggling to escape from such an awkward position.

I rushed toward her, but Rostov snapped his fingers, and my face collided with an invisible wall.

‘You motherfucker! What have you done to her?’ I turned to him, but he had already stepped forward, laughing at me from the other side of his barrier.

‘Ensured her compliance and, with it, yours. Isn’t it clever? With your friend secured here, I can use her to fuel my wards, and as the spells drain her life force, you cannot delay if you wish for her survival,’ he said, smirking, reaching down to stroke the back of one hand over her pale cheek, unsheathing a dagger with the other.

‘Tell me, Sara. How much do you value your brave nurse? Should I use her for our ritual, carving out her still-beating heart and offering it to our master? Will her death be enough for his freedom, or should I forgo this pleasure so that you may call Czernobog with your power, saving her life? I will even spare those who are attacking my temple.’

‘Your temple? Really? Because I don’t remember Czernobog being one to share.’ I smirked, but he looked at me, rolling his eyes as if he faced an uneducated child.

‘A god must have a vessel, ignorant child, and Czernobog chose me. With his essence filling me, we will be immortal. I will breach the prison they call the Nether and free the power locked away for millennia. You and I, Sara, we can bring real magic back to this world.’

‘You are fucking insane.’ My eyes widened when the dagger dropped a few centimetres.

‘Choose Sara. Deep down, you know it is your destiny. The seer foretold the appearance of Soul Sheperd in the Amber City, and I came here for you and you alone. Why degrade yourself next to that beast when you could be a consort of the Dark One himself? Call upon Czernobog to unite us, and nobody has to die.’

I looked into Nina’s eyes. She was in pain but still shook her head, telling me to refuse. I couldn’t, though, not with a dagger aimed at her chest.