Page 18 of Magic and Medicine

Sara’s body stilled, and I saw the hesitation in her eyes before she looked at Nadolny, who, oblivious to the world, enjoyed the ministrations of the brunette. I followed her eyes and gently took her chin, directing her attention back to me.

‘I’m not him. I won’t force or coerce you into sex, but freeing the sirens could cause a war. You’ve already declared yourself to be my woman. Keep up the pretence and give me three months so I can protect you.’ From the corner of my eyes, I saw Nadolny open his eyes, observing us, and I leaned closer, cupping her face in my hands.

I saw the decision in her eyes before she closed them,

‘Yes,’ her answer was barely audible, but it was enough for me. Sara agreed to the deal, and magic, old as the world itself, bound us together. Something inside me roared in triumph, and I leaned forward and sealed the deal with a kiss that tasted much sweeter, given willingly. Three months was time aplenty to woo this delicious woman, and I intended to use every second to my advantage.

‘Remember your promise when I fulfil mine.’ I said, turning toward Nadolny. It was time to go back to business. Even if this wasn’t my original intention, to keep Sara, I was ready to challenge not just one human gangsterbuttheworld.

Chapter twelve

To say things hadn’t gone as planned was an understatement of epic proportions. I came to talk with Ilona and ended up sitting on Leszek’s lap, enjoying his touch in public while he caressed my back with slow, reassuring strokes. Nadolny observed us closely, pretending to be focused on the brunette that pleasured him, and as much as it pained me to admit, I knew that after my outburst, I had to play the pretty, but not necessarily intelligent, girlfriend.

Should I try to leave the club and ignore what’s happening around me? The thought was tempting, and I would be doing exactly that in any normal situation, but here, there were no casual bystanders to provide disapproval or protection, just dour henchmen and studiously oblivious entertainers, none of whom would lift a finger to help if Nadolny decided on violence. I enjoyed a good adrenaline rush as much as anyone, but this was a whole new level of crazy, and I didn’t know how to navigate these dangerous waters.

My instincts said to trust Leszek, and despite my past, I always followed my gut. I wouldn’t say I liked it, but I had to rely on the only person who might know what was going on here. The one man who could protect me if things went sideways in this viper’s den. Besides, we both knew it was just pretend, right? At least, that’s what he’d said.

I shouldn’t be reassured to be held by a stranger who looked at me as if I were prey, but something about Leszek encouraged me to relax, and as I lay my head on his shoulder, I could feel the tension magically drain away. I could look after myself in most circumstances, but just this once, I allowed him to take control, caring for my safety. I liked how he pressed me to his body, the sensation dulling the fear whilst awakening all my senses. I could blame the predicament, but I was old enough to know better.

I’d felt attracted to him from the beginning, and now, facing danger together, I was acutely aware of every part of his body: the firm muscles, the heartbeat, fast and slightly unsteady, and then there was the hard length pressed against my thigh as, unable to resist, I nibbled his earlobe, asking for his help with the sirens. He’d agreed, but the condition he set for his assistance gave me pause, even through the haze of arousal that seemed to control my every action. It is just a game, and we both know it. Men like him knew only two forms of commitment. A trophy girlfriend or the always forgiving wife. I could pretend to be the former but would never agree to be the latter, and by now, he should know it. Three months of being this gorgeous man’s arm candy, it is, then.

Despite my protestations of pretence, I could not meet Leszek’s intense regard and closed my eyes, but the infuriating man took that as an invitation to kiss me again, shocking me with how demanding such a gentle kiss could be. I could feel his longing through the trembling fingers cupping my face, his other hand sliding through my hair to clasp the back of my head, holding me in place. His beard tickled, and I chuckled slightly. He used this opportunity to deepen the kiss, tongue slipping inside to taste me, and I wondered what his senses told him about me.

Heat pooled inside me while my heart hammered out its beat at the speed of a freight train, drowning out all thought. My hands again found their way under his shirt, revelling in the lush hair. He ticked every box of my little kink, or as my friend Nina called it, my bad boy obsession, but I couldn’t help it; I liked them hairy, masculine and dominant. Sophisticated, clean-shaven men didn’t do it for me. Now, feeling the soft pelt on Leszek’s chest, I realised this man had all three of those traits, and I prayed to any listening deities that he wasn’t an arsehole as well. I moaned, scraping my nails against his skin. We were in public, but my inhibitions had disappeared when his rich scent enveloped me. He could bend me over and fuck me right there on the table, and I wouldn’t care less about other people watching.

Has my drink been spiked? The fleeting thought worried me until I realised I hadn’t touched a drop tonight. Leszek’s magic, he is using it to make this believable. I thought, desperately needing something to explain my behaviour at his touch, my abandonment of decorum in the face of danger.

Why do I want him so much? The sensible question broke the spell of our passion, allowing panic to wash away the pleasure. Leszek must have sensed my reaction, withdrawing from the kiss immediately, releasing his hold. Maybe he wasn’t an overbearing brute after all, but he was sure as hell eager to enjoy a willing partner’s desire.

Only now did I hear the slow clapping of our host, Nadolny, looking me in the eye as I turned my head, the predatory grimace on his face instantly disturbing me.

‘That was an entertaining display. Let me know if you ever tire of your latest pet. I would like to enjoy such receptive passion.’

I felt Leszek’s hand tighten its grip on my thigh, but before he could respond, we were interrupted by an employee’s arrival. I observed the gangster’s face change during the course of their whispered conversation, the convivial mask dropping as fury overtook him.

‘It appears you were right. We recently had a security breach, and one of my warehouses was, let’s say, repurposed for a different function. It also appears some of my… clients went missing. Nobody of consequence, but rumours of such things happening would create difficulties for business relations. Thank you for bringing the issue to my attention. What would you like for such a… favour?’

A laugh escaped my lips, more a snort of derision. Regardless of the danger, I couldn’t help thinking the reputation of the Anchor and its boss couldn’t get much worse, though it was good to know Nadolny wasn’t involved with his client’s troubles. I opened my mouth to ask about his staff, but Leszek wrapped my hair around his hand, tilting my head back and trailing his fingers along my throat. He was silent, ignoring the question. It felt like he was making a point, asserting his dominance. Only I wasn’t sure if it was over me or Nadolny. Still, when he spoke, his intentions became apparent.

‘I came here to warn you as we share this territory, and I believe Tricity is crowded enough without a third player. I also have a request that may help curtail further disappearances.’ I watched him pause for effect, and when Nadolny nodded, acknowledging his words, Leszek continued.

‘Monitor the docks. Warn off anyone your people don’t recognise; I will instruct my staff to do the same. Also, this new player may be responsible for your missing clientele. Some of my people were forced to spy on you. The sirens you are so proud to have acquired are not here by choice, and I want them back, unharmed.’

‘We both know I don’t force women, and my employees are treated better than any similar establishments. Do not question my integrity or honour. However, for the sake of this discussion, let us assume what you say is true. What if I choose to punish them? After all, their actions threatened my business, so how can I let them walk away unharmed?’ Nadolny stood up, ready to challenge Leszek, but the Forest Lord simply raised an eyebrow.

‘Adam, take my woman outside. It is time for the men to talk business.’

I watched as the arrogant vampire approached, and Leszek handed me to him, not once looking away from Nadolny. When I tried to protest, Adam squeezed my elbow. ‘Not now, please,’ he said, and the fact he was so polite gave me a pause.

Are they going to fight now? Panicking, I turned toward Nadolny. And the Oscar for today’s performance goes to… I thought, pulling out my sweetest smile whilst disentangling myself from Adam’s grasp.

‘My friend, the one I asked about earlier - Ilona - she told me you’ve never raised your hand to a woman who works for you. I know she works here, and I know someone hurt her recently. Could it be the men you’re both talking about? Please, don’t fight - not when I can clear this up by speaking to Ilona. Just, please, let me talk to her. I would be very grateful.’

My strange act left both men frowning, the unexpected interruption confusing them, and Adam groaned quietly.

‘I’m sorry, boss, I will take her out.’ He said, but Nadolny stopped him.

‘It didn’t take you long to drop the act and reveal why you came here. That is interesting, but I’m more curious about how grateful you could be, girl.’ He smirked, and instantly Leszek moved in my direction.