Her friend spotted the two of us first and practically launched herself out of the chair she sat in, running straight for us. “Where the hell have you been?” she screeched over the music. “Do you know that I have half of the security team here looking for you?”

Just then Kieran joined us. “Is this your friend?” he asked, faking concern like he hadn’t known what was going on.

“Yes, it is. Myvery in deep shit friendwho is going to explain to me why the heck she pulled a disappearing act and freaked me the hell out.”

Stepping into the conversation, I said, “I’m afraid that it’s my fault. I saw your friend here and wanted to get to know her. I didn’t realize I had monopolized her time for so long. Names Creed.”

Swinging her attention to me as if just noticing for the first time I was standing there, she eyed me up and down with such heat in her eyes. I had no doubt that if I wasn’t informing her of my interest in her friend right now, I could easily have her on her knees in the back office. “Wow... Reese, you really, really found yourself something yummy. My names Scarlett,” she said, biting her lip, reaching her hand out to me.

Taking her hand in mine, I felt the woman who gave me the name Cassidy, freeze up under the hand I still held against her back. She was caught in her little lie, and it only made me smile. “You call her Reese?” I asked, enjoying the feel of her body shiver at my question.

“Oh ya, well, I mean her name is Clarice of course. You know the whole Silence of the Lambs deal. Her mom is a huge Anthony Hopkins fan, but I just call her Reese for short. I started calling her that when we were in elementary, the other kids used to tease her about it all the time...”

“Scarlett!” the woman, I now knew as Clarice, shouted, cutting her friends rundown of her life off.

“What? I was just telling him how you got your name.”

“And my whole life’s story as well. Anyway, can we just go home now? Plus, I still need to pee.”

Looking at Clarice with confusion, she asked. “I thought that’s what you went off to do earlier?”

Stepping forward, she grabbed her friends arm and pulled her to the side to whisper something, but I wasn’t letting her get away that easily. Moving in closer, I reached out and took ahold of her elbow, pulling her back into me before I leaned down to her ear. “Remember my warning.”

The fiery glare that shone in her eyes could have set the whole club on fire. “Trust me, I remember veryclearly. Nowlet goof my arm.”

“Quite the vicious little vixen, aren’t you?”

“I want to leave now.” Her words came out flat.

Not taking my eyes off of her, I called out for Kieran. “Yes, boss?”

“Escort Clarice here and her friend to the front door. Make sure they find an Uber to get them homesafely.” Peeling off a C-note from the roll of cash in my pocket, I handed it to him. “It’s on me.”

“No...” Clarice started to protest.

Leaning down, I cut her words off with a soft kiss to the corner of her lips, whispering in her ear, “I must insist,Clarice.”