“That’s not what I’m doing here, and you know it. I’m just trying to keep your ass out of prison.”

“It’s a little early in the day for the dramatics, don’t you think? You of all people should know just how untouchable I am with all the politician’s in this town I’ve got in my back pockets. They all either owe me or know that I’m very aware of all their dirty little secrets. None of them would ever dare to cross me. They know damn well and good that either their careers, lives, or both would be snuffed out just like that.” I snapped my fingers, emphasizing just how quickly I would end them.

“Just concerned about how far off the path you’re strolling for this woman. She’s not even your type to begin with and knows nothing about therealkind of world you live in.”

Looking over at him, I took in his words, finding the truth in them. He was right, she wasn’t my type. Big busty blondes were the flavor of woman I craved. She also had no real idea of who I as a man was. I did however fully believe that she had more of an idea of what kind of man I was than most. More than just a nightclub business owner, and maybe that’s what it was about her that intrigued me the most. Not wanting to get into all the shit floating around in my head, I gave him the simple answer. “Maybe that’s a good thing. Besides, it’s not like I’ve asked the woman to marry me. I just find myself curious as to what makes her tick.”

“You mean you just want to fuck her,” Torin had stated what we both knew to be the truth. Something about this woman drew me in and I had to know what it was. Saturday wouldn’t come soon enough for me.

Torin’s phone ringing shook that thought out of my head. “Yes. Ok.” disconnecting the call, he looked over at me. “The package has been picked up and is waiting for you at the warehouse.”

“Good. Call the pilot and tell him to have the jet ready to go in thirty.”

As the plane took off, I watched the feed from my phone, seeing the soon to be dead man who was waiting for my arrival. “Has he said anything yet?”

“From what my guys have told me, he’s not giving up anything about his connection with Santiago. Says he doesn’t even know him let alone work for him.”

Shaking my head, I chuckled to myself. “This fucker thinks getting caught withmy fuckingGuns in the back of his car, that we know for a fact is owned by Santiago, we’re just going to buy him saying he doesn’t know the asshole?”

“I didn’t say the guy was smart.”

“Smarts would have told him he was a dead man the second the merethoughtof stealing from me entered his little brain.” I was done with Santiago, sending his little trolls out to do his bidding and steal what was mine. One day soon, I would be putting an end to him once and for all.

A plane ride later, we were walking into the warehouse. Hearing the zap of the cattle prod and the screams that followed brought a smile to my face. The sound of torture always did that for me. There was just something so cathartic about it. Once Torin’s men had left the room, I entered, finding a man hanging naked by his feet, beaten and bloodied. His balls looked painfully swollen from being shocked too many times by the cattle prod. “Well, look what we have here,” I called out as I approached. “Looks like we have a rat infestation problem.”

The moment he heard my voice and swung his eyes to meet my own, I could see the fear in them grow as it sunk in just exactly who I really was. God that feeling gave me such a rush. His fear, knowing that I was here, standing in front of him meant he wouldn’t be walking out of here alive today. The best part was watching the hope drain from their eyes. They always somehow clung to the lie of hope that by some miracle they would walk away from an encounter with me.

Spoiler alert, they never did.

If you were looking at my face, you were already dead. It was how I was able to keep my true identity hidden for so many years. No one was sure of what I really looked like. Not even the men who worked for me. Only the three men I grew up with and trusted with my life knew exactly who I was. To the rest of the world, I was a business man, a nightclub owner known by the name Creed Lennox of Lennox Enterprises. But a dead man knew me by my real name.

“Do you know who I am?” The man only nodded his head the best he could, hanging upside down. “Say it!” I demanded.

“C-Canon Church.” Yes, I did love a play on words, using the name Creed as my cover identity.

“That’s right. Now you’re going to tell me everything you know about Santiago.”

“I know I’m going to die here anyway, why should I give you anything?”

I would give the asshole credit for his bravery, if it weren’t for the piss that was leaking out of his dick and running down his face right now. I watched as he shook his head, trying to get it off. “Get piss in your eyes?” Moving in closer, I crouched down in front of him, and paused for a moment before I smiled at him. “You will tell me what I want to know, Bruce. Do you want to know how I know that? Because I think you would do just about anything to protect your lovely daughter, Lily, wouldn’t you?” Taking the picture from Torin, I turned it around and showed him the surveillance photo I had taken this morning. The moment his eyes connected with the photo of his daughter walking down the street, he began to shake his head. “She has nothing to do with this! She doesn’t even know who or what I really am!”

“All the better reason for her to never find out, don’t you think? So, this is how it’s going to go, Bruce. Option A, you give me any and all information you have on Santiago. Or option B, I have your daughter picked up and brought here for you to watch my men torture and kill her right in front of you. Which option would you like to choose today, Bruce?”

He broke down in tears, knowing his last act would be to protect his daughters life. “I’ll tell you everything. Just leave my daughter alone.”

I tapped him on the forehead with my finger. “That all depends on you, Bruce. Tell me exactly what I want to know.”

Once I had all the information I needed, Merric approached him as I stood up, dusting off my hands. “Since you’ve been such astand-up guy, I’m going to make this quick.”

The words had barely left my mouth before Merric laid the knife to his throat and sliced him open like a stuffed pig. I stood there, watching him bleed out until he took his last gurgled breath before I turned and walked away. “Get your men back in here to clean this mess up.”

Leaving the elevator, I walked into the foyer of my penthouse, making a beeline straight for my office. It had been a long fucking day and I needed a drink. Pouring myself a whiskey, I turned on the fireplace and sat down on the couch. Mesmerized by the flames dancing in front of me, I sipped my drink. It didn’t take long before my thoughts drifted right back to her. I needed to know what she felt like under me. How she tasted under my tongue. What sounds she made when she came. What her tits looked like. Would she have pink nipples, or dusty colored ones? Would she be shaved, or have a landing strip on her beautiful pussy? “Fuck!” I gripped the crystal glass in my hand so hard, I thought it would break. I had to do something to relieve myself of these thoughts. Downing my drink, I slammed down the glass onto the table and headed to my bathroom. Getting into the shower, under the hot stream of water, I soaped up my hand and began to stroke myself at the thought of what she would feel like wrapped around my cock. I imagined what she would look like and the sounds she would make as I fucked her like no man had, or would ever, fuck her again. When I finally came, I came so hard it felt as though my legs would give out from under me. If just the thought of fucking her made me come this hard, I couldn’t even begin to fathom how good it would feel when I actually did. When I got her in my grip Saturday night, I wasn’t going to let her go. If I had to, I would put her friends life on the line again if it meant getting even the smallest taste of her.

Clarice had no idea just what she’d be walking into. Only if she was lucky would she ever walk away from me completely.