“Yes. He loves me too.”

“Well, if this shit isn’t just a page out of one of your crazy ass books.”

“I know. It is probably the craziest thing to ever happen to me in my life.”

After we had talked a little longer and she was sure I was ok; we ended the call. I wasn’t able to really say too much to her about the situation with Creed and I, not knowing exactly what she’d been told by Keiran. Tomorrow, though, I needed to call her and tell her the big news about the baby. Who knew how she would take that one.

As I sat at the little make-up vanity, it hit me just how much my life had changed in only a matter of forty-eight hours. So much had happened that I was still coming to terms with it all. It was all good things, but for someone who used to live a closed in life like I did, to then go to this kind of life, was like a serious head spinner.

I finished up my make-up and twisted my hair into an updo to show off my shoulders tonight.

Looking up, I spotted Creed, gazing at me in the mirror. “You look stunning.”

Turning around, I noticed that he was still in the same clothes from earlier. “And you look like you’re not ready yet.”

Moving in closer to me, he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. “Never seen a woman actually get ready in forty minutes before.” Why was it when he mentioned that did I immediately envision him with that woman, Natasha? “What’s wrong?”

The sour feeling, I felt in my stomach at the thought of her must have shown on my face. “Nothing. Just hearing you say that made me think of your ex, Natasha.”

Letting out a heavy breath, he leaned in. “I think I made it very clear she wasn’t ever my girlfriend, so put her out of that mind of yours. She doesn’t even deserve a seat in the spectators section of our relationship.”

I looked up at him, a smirk growing on my lips. “I know. Is it too early to use the wholemust be the hormonesexcuse yet?”

He chuckled at my question. “For you, no. I’m going to jump into the shower and get changed so we can get going. Feel like soaping me up?”

Getting up, I looked down at myself. “In this dress? Are you crazy? No way.”

He cupped his hands over his heart. “Ah, striking out already.”

Laughing at him, I shoved him out of the closet. “Go get ready so we can go. The baby and I are hungry.”

He stopped and turned to me, cupping my face in his hands. “I like the sound of that.” Kissing me, he headed to the en-suite bathroom.

“I’ll be awaiting your arrival downstairs!” I called out, walking out of the bedroom, heading to the kitchen to look for some of those crackers we’d bought for me yesterday. My stomach was beginning to feel a little queasy from being so hungry. Entering the kitchen, I went over to the cupboard and pulled a sleeve from the box and tore it open. Grabbing one out, I shoved it into my mouth, instantly feeling my stomach calm down a bit. Reaching for the next one, I heard a noise come from the back door that sounded like glass braking. Setting the crackers down, I brushed my hands together to remove the crumbs and went to investigate. “Creed? Is that you?”

Peeking around the corner, I started to call out for him again when I noticed a smaller sized hole in the window next to the back door, and a baseball on the ground just inside the doorway. Picking it up, I looked outside the window to see if I could notice anyone, figuring a kid or someone hit it through the window on accident. Not noticing anyone, I unlocked the door and stepped outside. “Hello?”

When no one appeared, I moved out further on the back cement pad, towards the ocean, searching the area for the culprit. “Hello! I have your baseball!”


Maybe they were afraid they’d get into trouble and had taken off.

Shrugging the incident off, I turned around and began to make my way back to the house when I felt my body being pulled backwards, as a cloth was shoved over my mouth.

As my world began to turn dark, I heard a voice say. “You really should be more careful where you leave your phone these days,Clarice.”