


After we’d come backfrom our trip into town, I made it my mission to make Clarice come over and over again the rest of the night. I think we had been in just about every room in this house, fucking our brains out, before finally falling into bed at almost three in the morning, passing out. Keiran had continued to update me with Diego’s movement. Dinners, hookers, and dinner with hookers seemed to be his thing. But Keiran and the others had yet to spot him with anyone other than the hookers, or the men he’d arrived with. This fucker had not chosen my city to come to for a vacation. He was there for a reason, but that reason hadn’t emerged yet. When it did, my men would make sure we knew just who we were dealing with and plan a way to bring that individual in.

Hearing a weird sound, I opened my eyes to find myself in bed alone yet again, but when I heard the sound again, I’d known she hadn’t gone too far. Swinging my legs out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom, finding Clarice hunched over the toilet. “Hey, what’s going on? Are you ok?” I moved in closer, rubbing her back in soothing strokes.

Putting her finger up, to let me know she needed a minute, she flushed the toilet and got up, going over to the sink to wash her mouth out. “I don’t know what’s going on. I woke up this morning, feeling sick to my stomach. The next thing I know, I’m emptying everything I ate yesterday into the toilet.”

“You said your stomach was bothering you yesterday too. You sure you’re not sick? Maybe I should take you into town to the doctor’s office and have them check you out.”

“I’m sure I’m fine.”

When she turned to face me, her whole body became wobbly as if she was struggling to stay upright. I reached out to steady her. “I think we should take you in.”

“I just got a little lightheaded from all the vomiting. I just need a large glass of water and some crackers, and I’ll be good as new.”

Guiding her back into the bedroom, I helped her into bed. “Alright, but if you aren’t better in a couple of hours we’re going to the doctor’s. I’m not taking any chances.”

She lazily nodded. “Deal.”

It had only been twenty minutes before she was back in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet once again. So, after I’d gotten her cleaned up, I loaded her into the car, and we headed into town.

We sat in the waiting room for only five minutes before our name was called. It was these kinds of situations where money came in very handy. A few hundred dollars had gotten us moved to the top of the list. After checking her over, the doctor had prescribed some fluids for her, finding she was dehydrated. Then they ran some other tests, taking her to a room down the hall, bringing her back a half hour later. When she was wheeled back into the room, she looked even more pale than the last time I’d seen her, causing me to startle at the sight of her. “How come she looks worse?” I questioned the nurse accusingly.

She flipped the brakes on the wheelchair on and helped Clarice back onto the bed, looking back and forth between us. “I’ll just let you two talk.” She quickly exited out of the room, leaving me with a teary-eyed Clarice.

Walking over to the bed, I sat down on the edge and grabbed her hand just as she burst out crying. “What is going on, Clarice? You’re starting to scare me here.”

Calming down, she took in a deep breath. “I-I’m pregnant.”

My world spun on its axis as she stared up at me, waiting for my reaction.


“It’s mine?” The question was a stupid one since I’d known she hadn’t been with anyone else while we were apart, but it was a question I still needed answered.

“Yes. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I still can’t believe that its happened, and I saw the test with my own eyes.” More tears fell from her eyes.

Did she think I was mad about the pregnancy?

Was I upset about it?

The short answer was no, but this would be another change in her life added on top of what I’d already thrown at her.