I shook my head. Nothing he was telling me was lining up. “Ok, I know you said that the more I know the more danger it puts me in, but I need you to just be honest with me right now and tell me exactly what’s going on here. It’s the least you owe me after everything.”

Pausing for a moment, he seemed to think about it before he gave in and began.

When he finished laying everything out for me, I was yet again speechless. I had no idea what to say right now. Finding out that he was as close to a Mafia Boss as you could get on top of him being this Cannon Church everyone feared, was making my head spin again. I knew he left out the gory parts of his world for my benefit, but what he had shared with me was frightening enough to say the least. “You haven’t said anything.”

Brought out of my thoughts, I looked up at him. “I’m just trying to wrap my head around all of this. I meanthinkingyou know something about someone and then finding out that it’s worse than you ever could have imagined, is a lot to digest all at once.”

“I understand.”

“So, you said no one knows who you are besides Torin, Merric, and Keiran, but has anyone ever come close to finding out?”

His eyes never wavered from mine. “Never. Anyone who saw my face only did because they would never be able to tell anyone.”

“As in you killed them.” It was a statement, not a question, because I knew what he was saying without saying the words.

“As in they disappeared.”

I rolled everything over in my mind for another moment, thinking about theuspart of this whole thing. Would it even be possible for there to be anus? Could I really be with someone like him? A man who killed people? I didn’t know, but knowing what I did now, I didn’t think he would let me go if I chose not to.

I felt his hand stroke my cheek. The tenderness in his touch contradicted with the man I now knew my devil to be. “What are you thinking?”

“I was thinking about us, and if there can even be an us. Then I was thinking about the fact that I know who you really are now and how that affects my life in terms of...”

“If you chose not to be with me,” he finished my thoughts.

“Would you have me killed if I chose not to be with you?”

“If you think for one second I could ever kill you then I’ve done a shit job with the whole trust part of our relationship.”

“Trust? Relationship? Last I checked, we had no relationship. You made it crystal clear you wanted nothing to do with me. As far as trust goes, you broke any trust I had in you the moment you kicked me out after I exposed my vulnerability to you. You had zero interest in anything about me until I showed up at your restaurant last night with Damon.”

“I would like to ask you to refrain from saying his name in my presence, but I know you’ll just slap me again, or tell me off.” His lips curled up in a slight smile, causing my heart to shove all my common sense right out of the way to make room for all the feelings, flooding back in that never fully left.

But then I’d realized something important I forgot to ask about, or rather,someone. “What happened to Damon after Keiran made him leave the restaurant? Is he still...?”

“Alive?” he finished for me again.

The anger in his eyes at the mention of his name, once again, had me preparing for the worst. “Yes. Is he still alive?”

He sat there, motionless, drawing out the suspense like some sort of punishment for my concern about Damon. “He is. The little prick was put in his car and sent on his merry way with a very stern warning to never contact you again. Seems the asshole doesn’t follow directions very well, though, so he might require more convincing.”

“What do you mean, he doesn’t follow directions?”

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out my phone, showing the screen with a ton of texts and voicemail alerts, looking to be all from Damon. “He’s been blowing up your phone as you can see. The only reason I’ve kept it on is because I wanted to see what he was saying. He’s proving he’s not the nice guy you thought he was, that’s for sure.”

“What do you mean? Let me see my phone.” I held out my hand, waiting for him to give it to me. Reluctantly, he set it down in my hand, but didn’t let go of it. “You arenotto answer him.”

“Just give me my phone, please.” He let go of it, and I began to scan through the texts he’d sent. Creed was right.

Damon: Reese! Where are you??? Please call me. I need to know that you’re safe!

Damon: Why aren’t you calling, or texting me back, Reese?

Damon: I can’t believe you just let that asshole drag me out of there, and didn’t leave with me!

Damon: What kind of woman dumps a man who respects her only to stay with one who calls her a slut in front of her boyfriend????

Damon: I knew you were one of those women who just lead a man on and get everything you can from them before you dump them!