I was going to be giving him one hell of a piece of my mind. Just as soon as I could get my head to settle down. Noticing the water and ibuprofen, sitting on the nightstand, I picked them up and took both, needing to get rid of the headache I had. I couldn’t believe he actually drugged me. After a few minutes, I got up and made my way across the room to the en-suite bathroom. Splashing some cold water on my face helped snap my brain out of the foggy state it was in. Patting the water off, I left the bathroom and went back into the bedroom, noticing for the first time just how elegant my surroundings were. Everything was white with dark brown wood accents. There were large glass vases with white candles inside of them spread throughout the room as decor. Hearing what sounded like water crashing against the shore, I moved to the window and looked out.

I was at the beach?

Needing answers, I left the bedroom and attempted to navigate my way through the huge house. I momentarily became distracted by how beautiful everything in it was. As I strode down the hall, I noticed the art that hung on the walls were from some very well-known artists that I’d heard of before, therefore knew just how much they were most likely worth. Finally finding an elaborate staircase, that cascaded down to the bottom floor like a waterfall, I slowly made my way down, listening for any sounds. At the bottom of the staircase, I stood on white marble flooring, looking from my left to my right, trying to figure out what direction to go in, when I heard my devil’s voice. Following the sound, I came upon him, talking on the phone in the huge kitchen that looked like it had been made for a Michelin Starred Chef. The dark wooded flooring broadcasted the bright white of the cabinets with the black accent handles and knobs. The ceiling had large dark wood beams crossing over the length of the area. The appliances, all stainless steel, the stove, a Fulgor Milano Sofia pro. I wasn’t an appliance junkie or anything, but I had recognized that stove as one I’d seen in a very wealthy family’s home, I’d been in before at a party with Scarlett. The woman who owned the house couldn’t stop going on about how much they’d paid for it.

“I’ve got to go but keep me updated.” His words snapped me out of my ogling. “I see you’re awake,” he stated, turning to look at me.

I glared at him, still furious about him drugging me. “I can’t believe you drugged me! How could you? Do you know what that could have done to me? What if you gave me too much! You could have killed me!”

He strode towards me with his hands raised up in the air in defense. “Again, if you’d have just come with me like I’d asked, I wouldn’t have had to drug you. And as for the possibility of killing you? What I gave you couldn’t have. It was only Diphenhydramine.”

“Seeing as how I’mnota drug professional, maybe you can explain to me exactly what that is,” I snapped.

“A high dose of Benadryl.”

“The allergy medication?”


Relieved that it wasn’t anything toxic, it didn’t take away from the anger I still felt. “What you did was wrong, no matter how you spin it, and why in the hell am I here anyway?”

“Let’s go sit down in the living room, so I can explain some things to you.” He guided me to the white couch and we both took a seat. “To answer your question, you’re at our beach house in the Hamptons.”

“Our?” He couldn’t mean ours as inus.

“The four of us own this place. Merric, Keiran, Torin, and I.”

That explained why the place wasn’t filled with everything black at least. “Why am I here, Creed?”

Taking a deep breath, he leaned back on the couch, seeming to need a minute before he answered. I was just so confused as to why he was keeping everything such a secret. “I’m firstly going to start with why I acted the way I did that night. It was because I thought you were a spy who had been hired to find out my identity.”

I was flabbergasted by his confession to say the least. “I’m sorry, but a hiredspy? What on God’s green earth gave you that idea?”

“In my line of business paranoia is a must, and you were too aware of things about me.”

“So in other words, I was right about you being more than just a club, and restaurant owner?”

“You were.”

“Is your name really Creed Lennox?”

“It’s the name I use here in New York to conduct business.”

“I’m not understanding.” There were too many pieces to his story that were missing.

“I’m really trying to figure out just how to navigate this whole situation with you. If I tell you anymore, it will put your life in more danger than it already is.”

That got my attention, and now I was starting to get really scared. “What do you mean exactly when you say in danger?”

“I mean there are some really bad people who want me out of the picture and will take or kill anyone close to me to make that happen.”

Sitting there for a moment, I soaked in his words, trying to swallow down the fear that was threatening to take over. He was a criminal, not that it surprised me. But what did was the fact that my life was now in danger because of it, and if that was true, what about... “What about Scarlett? She’s been around you and Keiran too.” Panic was rising up in my chest for my best friends safety. I had to know she was ok.

“She’s with Keiran. She’s safe. I promise.”

I breathed out a sigh of relief. “So, what are we supposed to do now? Why did we have to come all the way out here to this beach house? Weren’t we safe at your place with all the security you have there?”

“I got word yesterday that one of my enemies is in New York. The same enemy, I thought hired you to spy on me.”