


After Creed left theroom, the same waiter from the last time I’d been in here, entered the room. “Hello again, Miss. Nice to see you again.”

Feeling a blush color my cheeks, I tried to play the embarrassment off. “Thank you. You as well.”

“Mr. Lennox wanted me to check and see if you’d like something to drink while you wait for him.”

“I’ll take a glass of whatever is the most expensive wine he has.”

A smirk rose on his lips. “Yes, ma’am.”

The waiter left the room to fetch my request, while I reveled at sticking it to my devil, if at least a little. Lord knows the man had more money than God himself, so my little stickler was probably just a speck of sand in the bucket, but still. Once my wine had been delivered, I sat, looking around the room, remembering the last time I was in here. The heat from those memories had me fanning myself. I should have gotten up and left the moment Keiran pulled him away. I should be running after Damon, trying to make things right with him.

But I wasn’t.

I was sitting here.


I needed to know what he was going to say before Keiran interrupted. I needed to know why he threw me out on my ass that night. If he was who I thought he was why not just tell me, or tell me to mind my own business and not make assumptions? Why go so cold and cut me out? All these questions I needed answers to, and that was theonlyreason I was still here. At least that’s what I was convincing myself of.

It seemed like forever before the door opened and my devil entered, causing the room and air to somehow become smaller and more stifling. Taking a seat beside me, he wrapped one arm around my shoulders then reached for my hand. “I need you to do something for me.”

I practically choked on his request. “Are you kidding me right now?”

“I’m not. Look, I will tell you what you want to know, but I need you to come with me somewhere first.”


“That I can’t tell you. All I can tell you is that I’m going to take you home, and I need you to pack enough clothes for a week.”

“A week? Creed, I can’t just pick up and leave, I have a job to go to tomorrow.”

“You’re calling in sick for the week.”

“The hell I am. You need to tell me what’s going on, and where you’re taking me right now, or I’m walking out of here.”

“I was really hoping that you’d go willingly this time.”

The question that was forming on my lips suddenly came to a halt when I felt the prick from the needle in my neck where his hand had been resting, causing everything to go dark.

The next time I opened my eyes, it was light out. Trying to focus, I sat up, grabbing my head when it spun and scanned the area around me. This was not my bedroom, and it wasn’t Creed’s either. Where the hell was I? Thinking back to last night, I knew Creed had kidnapped me,again. Swinging my legs off the bed, I looked down to see that my dress had been removed from my body. I was now wearing a pair of emerald, green, silk pajamas.

That bastard undressed me and changed my clothes!