“Good. Do Torin, and Merric know about Diego’s arrival?”

“They do and they’re on their way to the airport as we speak. They have eight of their own men with them just in case shit goes down.”

“Do we have any ideas as to what brought Diego to New York? What about our rat? Hear anymore from him?”

“No word on the streets why he’s here. No meetings mentioned by any of our contacts, and nothing on the rat. I think we can safely assume he’s been dealt with after finding that bug in Merric’s place.”

Walking over behind my desk, I took a seat. I needed to do what I did best. Think. “Did we ever get any information on what it is that makes Diego tick, or something he holds of value?”

“That was actually the second thing I needed to tell you. While I was throwing that dick bag out earlier, I got a text with a picture attached to it.” Taking his phone out, he pulled up the text and handed it to me.

“A son?” I asked, looking at the photo of a young boy, who looked to be about seven or eight years old.

“A son. And the woman who is the mother of his child is kept in a location not even his men know about. If I had to guess, Santiago probably doesn’t even know about. The only reason we were able to obtain this photo of the boy was because Diego made the mistake of going to his private school yesterday. Once he left, our guy stayed at the school and followed the boy. Only problem was that he wasn’t able to find out where they resided due to a car accident that occurred, he got caught up in the traffic jam it caused. But now that we know where the boy goes to school, it’s just a matter of time before we have that information.”

Today was Friday, so the boy wouldn’t be returning to school until after the weekend. Having Diego in my city was the perfect opportunity to snap him up, but I needed the information in order to have any kind of impact on him. I had to get a picture of the woman and the boy going into the property in order for him to take me seriously. But then there was the issue of what I would do with Diego once I was finished with him. No doubt Santiago would be alerted about his second in command going missing here in New York, bringing him and his men here to turn this city upside down, looking for him. It would do the opposite of what I had worked so hard to avoid.

“What are you thinking?” Keiran questioned.

“I was thinking him coming here would be a perfect opportunity to nab the fucker up, but then that would bring Santiago once he found out about Diego’s disappearance. Killing Diego is one thing, but killing Santiago is something that would take a lot more planning.” It was no secret that heads of the family were killed, but in our fucked-up world it was something that was shockingly still tabu. Plus, it wasn’t an easy feat unless you were close to them. “For now, we just keep an eye on him and his men, see if we can find out his reason for the visit. Maybe he’s here to meet up with that bloodhound of his he hired.”

It was as if the realization had just dawned on him. “If that’s the case, then that would mean his bloodhound has found something out, giving him a reason to make the trip all the way up here with a crew. I don’t like this one bit, him sniffing around up here.” Keiran started to pace back and forth. “He’s getting too close.” Taking a breath, he propped his hands on his hips. “I know you’re not going to like this one bit, but I think you need to keep away from the city and stay out at the beach house until he leaves town.”

“What about you, Merric, and Torin? He could come after you three to try and get to me. It’s not just my life on the line here if that’s why he’s come.”

“We don’t attract the kind of attention you do. We can organize with our men and have the city limits surrounded and watch his every move without him being able to spot us. You on the other hand, go out and everyone and their mother is asking for your attention, which will drawtheirattention to you. Besides, this is the agreement we all made years ago.”

He was right. It was what we had all agreed to in order to make it in the business we were in, but that didn’t mean I had to like it. “I know you’re right, but I want hourly reports from you, so I know what’s going on. I don’t want to hear the next day that something went sideways.”

“Will do. Now, one thing we haven’t discussed is... what about Clarice? If you are sure she is not the one Diego sent here then there’s a possibility they know about her which puts her and Scarlett in danger.”

I sat there for a moment, knowing what I had to do would probably send Clarice’s temper skyrocketing, and I was secretly loving the fire she’d no doubt ignite into. I could put that heat to good use, just the two of us all alone out there on the beach. “I’ll take Clarice with me to the beach house.”

“And the roommate?” The look I gave him told him all he needed to know.

She was his worry.

“I guess I’ll be figuring that one out on my own.”

“Sounds good. Now I’m going to get Clarice and take her out to the beach house tonight. Every hour, Keiran, I mean it. If I don’t hear from you, I’m coming back.”

“Got it.”

Keiran left my office, but I still sat at my desk. How the hell was I going to get Clarice towillinglygo with me? The chances were slim, but it wasn’t like I was above kidnapping her if I had to.
