“Damon. I’m really sorry about this, but let’s call it a night. I think I need to clear things up with Creed right now, so we don’t encounter this issue again when we go out.”

The piece of shit’s eyes practically bugged out of his head at her words. “Are you being serious right now, Reese?” He pointed at me in anger. “This asshole has done nothing butinsultyou tonight, and you’re willing to call offourdate, that I took extra time and effort to plan, in order to spend time withhim?”

“Please understand.”

“What I understand is that I’ve done nothing but treated you with respect andthisis how you repay me?”

“Is there a problem here?” Keiran inquired, his timing perfect per usual.

“Great, of course you’re here too, and getting involved,” I heard Clarice mumble under her breath, bringing a smile to my lips.

“Yeah there is. This asshole here is harassing my girl, and I want him removed right now.” His voice was reaching levels that drew others attention around us.

“Let’s talk over here, shall we?” Kieran took ahold of his upper arm and practically dragged him away from the booth before he actually started to walk on his own.

“Well, now that he’s been taken care of, shall we?” I motioned my arm in the direction of the room, she knew all too well in the back, that I had so crudely referred to earlier.

“You are seriously unbelievable, you know that?” She threw her cloth napkin down onto the table in a huff and then stormed off ahead of me. I loved watching that ass of hers as it swayed back and forth in front of me. Enticing me. Testing all of my control.

Once inside the room, I had made special for her and I, I shut the door behind me. When I turned to face her, I wasn’t ready for the fury I was met with. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

The slap that erupted in a fire across my cheek at the end of her words had definitely punctuated just how pissed off she was with me. She had every right to be, but that wouldn’t stop me from taking what I wanted. The smirk that drew up my lips had her hand flying towards my face for a second time. This time, I caught her wrist before it could make contact. “Is this how you really want to spend the evening?”

She ripped her wrist from my grip. “Are you insane? Who am I kidding, you have to be insane to think that anything you’ve done to me doesn’t warrant at least a punch into that smug face of yours. Who do think you are, talking to me and my boyfriend the way you did out there?”

That guy with her tonight was many things, but boyfriend? I’d be calling her bluff on that one. Moving forward into her space, she began backing up, playing the back-and-forth game until her ass came in contact with the table. Caging her in with my hands on either side of her, I leaned down and ran my nose up her neck, breathing in that citrus and vanilla scent she wore. I didn’t realize just how much I’d missed it. “With that ass of yours on the table, any memories coming back to you? Maybe some of the memories of what I did to you in here the last time, hm?” The quake that ran through her body answered my question, even if she wouldn’t. “Your body’s telling me that it remembers.”

Feeling her hands pressing against my chest, I allowed her a small amount of space. “Why?”


“Yes, Creed. Why are you barging back into my life after you threw me away like garbage? After what we did that night, when I opened myself up to you completely, trusting that you wouldn’t hurt me the way you did.”

The sting of her words punctured my cold, dark heart that was showing life once again in her presence. Releasing her, I stepped back, turning towards the door for a moment. I needed to think about what I was going to share with her, and just how much.

“Did you ruin my night just to bring me in here and turn away from me again?”

Turning back to face her, I motioned for her to take a seat. When she looked at me with defiant eyes, I lowered my voice to almost a whisper, not wanting to hear the pleading in my own voice. “Please.”

Letting out an irritated breath, she sat down in the booth, folding her hands on the table. I hadn’t moved to start with my words quick enough for her liking. “I’m waiting.”

Finally getting my feet to move, I took the place next to her, allowing her some breathing room. Or maybe it was for me. I’d never been as vulnerable with a woman before as I was about to be with her. “First of all, I want to apologize for what I said out there about you. It wasn’t meant to hurt you.”

“But it did,” she said still seething.

“And I just apologized for that. It’s not what’s important right now. What is...” My words were abruptly cut off by the knock on the door. Irritated about being interrupted, I called out, “yes?”

The door opened, and Keiran stuck his head inside. “Sorry to interrupt but we have... a situation I need to speak to you about.”

Looking over at Clarice, she motioned for me to leave. “Go ahead. Go deal with yoursecretbullshit you two have going on.” She was not letting go of that anger, she had so tightly harnessed for me anytime soon.

“One minute and I’ll be back,” I assured her, sliding out of the booth, heading for the door. I motioned Keiran towards my office, shutting us in once inside. “What’s going on?”

“Santiago’s private plane just landed at JFK fifteen minutes ago. Diego was on it with six of his men in tow.”

Running my hand down over my goatee, I asked, “do you think it has anything to do with that woman and her son we freed?”

“As far as any of them are concerned there was plenty of evidence left to point them in the direction of Roberto Mancini. All five men were executed, so there were no witnesses to say otherwise.”