“Hey, buddy, I have her, just please park the car.”

“Of course, sir.”

I felt one hand release me as another took hold. “Are you ready for this, baby?”

Baby? Possiblytheone word in the pet name calling dictionary I hated the most. And since when did Damon start calling me that?

He’d never uttered the word to me before tonight. “As ready as I can be.” I tried to sound upbeat, but something about him referring to me asbabyhad really bothered me.

Was it because my devil had already given me the pet name Vixen?


I really needed to stop comparing these two men. Creed was in the past and Damon was the man in the here and now. I needed to give him a chance.

As he guided me forward, I could tell when we entered the restaurant by the noise of people chattering all around us. After he gave his name to the hostess, I heard the curious pause in the woman’s voice before she spoke. “Is this a surprise dinner tonight?”

“It is.”

I could tell she melted at his sweet gesture by theahnoise she made before speaking again. “That is the sweetest thing ever. Well then, let’s get you two seated, shall we?”

“Yes.” Damon directed me forward for just a few moments before he helped me into a booth, sliding in next to me.

“So, do I get to see where we are now, or am I eating with this on too?” I giggled, trying to sound relaxed when for some reason I was feeling anything but.

As his hands worked to untie the cloth, he asked, “ready?”

“I am.” The moment the cloth came off, and I was able to adjust my eyes to see clearly, I pulled in a breath of surprise mixed with serious dread. We couldn't be where I thought we were. Looking around, I spotted the booth we sat in opening night.

Damon frowned at my reaction. “Is something wrong? I-I thought you’d like this place since it’s all the rage right now.”

Snapping out of my downward spiral into anxiety hell, I tried to reassure him. “No. This is wonderful. I’m sorry if I came across ungrateful, it’s just...” I didn’t even finish my sentence when I felt his scorching stare on my skin. It only took a slight glance to my right and the heat I’d felt was confirmed.

There he stood.

My Devil.

The way his eyes were locked on mine reminded me of the night Logan stopped by my house, and then he barged in as if he’d owned the place.

This couldn’t be happening right now. I watched, my breath forgotten as he made his way over to our table, ignoring the customers vying for his attention along the way.

Looking down, I turned to face Damon. “I’m so sorry.”

The confusion on his face was ripping away at my conscience.

“Good evening, Clarice. So nice to see you again.”

Clearing my throat, I tried to sound indifferent with only one word. “Creed.”

“You two know each other?” Damon inquired, his eyes, bouncing back and forth between the two of us.

My Devil didn’t even spare him a glance, his stare only fixated on me. “We do. Clarice and I used tofuck. Right here in this restaurant as a matter of fact. Would you care to see the room where I bent her over the...”

“Enough!” I was shocked by the vulgarity of his words.

“Who the hell do you think you are, speaking that way about my girl to me?” Damon was getting seriously pissed, and had every right to be, but I was still scared for him. I knew just how cruel of a man, Creed was, and needed to figure out a way to deescalate this whole situation.

As I tried to gather my bearings, the comparison of these two men in my presence was practically being shoved down my throat, and it was slowly getting harder to breathe.