“Good. Otherwise, I might begin to think you’re pregnant.” Her words instantly made me freeze. Looking at me harder, she leaned down in front of me. “Reese?”

“Yeah?” I asked in a haze, thinking about the birth control pill I’d missed.

“You aren’t pregnant, are you?”

Shaking my head, I started to laugh it off. “Pregnant? God no. I’m probably just feeling off because I haven’t been eating a lot lately like you said.”

She still stared at me with suspicion. “You’re sure?”

“Scar, I’m on birth control. I’m positive.”

“Ok. Well, I’ll be home later. Have fun tonight.”

“Thanks. You as well.”

“Keep your phone on you,” we both said in unison.

Ten minutes later, I found myself in the local pharmacy. This time, buying a test I didn’t ever see myself buying this soon in life. Once I was back home, I went into the bathroom and immediately read the instructions and then peed on the stick. Cleaning up, I set a timer on my phone and then anxiously began to pace back and forth in my bedroom as I waited for it to go off.

There was no way I was pregnant, right? It had only been one time. But when I looked on Google, it said it only took once.

I was really trying too hard to play stupid right now.

The timer on my phone went off, causing my heart to leap into my throat.

This was it. Taking a deep breath, I made my way back into the bathroom and picked up the test. Closing my eyes and praying one more time, I turned it over in my hand and counted to ten before opening my eyes.

Not pregnant.

“Oh, thank God!” The relief I felt right this moment couldn’t be described.

Wrapping the test up in toilet paper, I threw it away and went back into my bedroom to touch up my make-up, finishing just as Damon knocked on my front door.

Taking one more look in the mirror, I made my way through the house to answer the door. Opening it, I found a very handsome looking man on the other side of it waiting for me. Why was it when I looked at him, though, did my mind immediately flashback to the first time Creed came over to pick me up for the date he’d forced me into? Mentally slapping myself, I concentrated on the man in front of me. He wore a grey dress shirt, black slacks, and a black blazer. “You look so handsome.”

“I look like a bucket of shit compared to you right now. You... you are the most stunning looking woman I have ever seen. That dress is just... I am at a loss for words, Reese.”

His words caused me to blush. “Thank you.” Leaning inside, I grabbed my clutch. “Shall we go?”

“Yes. But first I need you to do something for me.”

“Oh?” I asked as I locked up my house and turned to face him. “What’s that?”

“Wear this.”

Looking at the cloth in his hands, I asked, “is that a blindfold?”

“Yes. I really want this to be a surprise tonight.” Leaning in, he kissed me chastely on the lips. “You trust me, don’t you?”

Did I?

Damon had never given me any reason not to trust him, so I played along, knowing he was really trying hard to do something nice for me with this surprise. “Ok. Just try not to mess up my make-up.”

“Trust me, I will be very careful.” Turning around, so he could put the cloth over my eyes, I felt his hand take a hold of mine as he led me to his car, shutting me inside. Getting in the driver’s side, he took my hand in his again and brought it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “I can’t wait to see the look on your face tonight when you see where I’m taking you.”

“I can’t wait toseeit myself.” He chuckled at my underlying meaning before merging into traffic and heading to our destination.

We made small talk on our way to wherever it was we were going, but then before I knew it the car was coming to a stop and my door was being opened. “Miss,” someone said, grabbing onto my hand, helping me from the car.