She thought about it for a moment. “I’d say no more than ten or fifteen minutes. It wasn’t that far away from the bar.”

“Were you able to see out any of the windows while you were there?”

“No... Wait! Yes! When I used the bathroom, the small window in there was open.”

“What could you see outside?”

Looking up, she began trying to recall what she had seen. “I saw two large apartment buildings. The beach just past them and... Oh! I saw Saint Jude Catholic church! I remember because the buildings color caught my attention just after I spotted the two large tower sized apartment buildings. Does that help?”

She was asking me but looking up at Merric. There was definitely more going on there than just some fun. “It does.” Pulling Merric off to the side, I began doling out orders. “Get a hold of Torin and let him know about getting some of his men together for this in the next twenty-four hours. Then you get her back home, that way Diego doesn't become suspicious about where she’s gotten off to. She’s only been missing a few hours, so he shouldn’t send out his dogs to search for her just yet.”

“Got it.”

When we stepped back over to where the woman waited, I noticed the suspicious look in her eyes. “You’rehim, aren't you?”

Giving her my most threatening glare, I let her know without saying a word that she was on shaky ground right now. “And who exactly would that be?”

The gulp she took practically echoed around the warehouse. “Are you going to kill me now?”

I noticed Merric’s body tense up. “No. As luck would have it for you, I’m not him. I’m someone he sends in to get the information he needs. If he were here, though, you wouldn’t be walking out of this building alive today. Trust me.”

I wasn’t sure if she was buying the lie, I was selling, but for her sake, she needed to. “How long until I get my son back?”

“I’ll need a couple of days to set things up. We need to monitor what’s going on inside the house and how many men are there, so we don’t go in blind. How does he get a hold of you?”

“The burner phone he took from me.” She pointed to the phone that Merric now held in his hands.

I motioned for Merric to give it back to her. “Next time he reaches out and wants to bring you in to see your son, you give Merric a call right after with all the details of the meet up time, and place. Got it?”

“Yes.” She looked up at Merric with pleading eyes. “Please get my baby boy back. I am so sorry for what I did to you, but I had to. I had to do it to keep my son alive.”

Not wanting to be in the middle of whatever was going on between the two of them, I headed for the door. “Get her back home and tell Torin I’ll be waiting for his call.” Without waiting for an answer, I made my way out of the building, and into the back of my awaiting car.

As Devin drove me to the club, I couldn’t help but roll my mind back over all the conversations Clarice and I had. There was only one question that kept popping up in my thoughts about her being hired as a spy. Why would she tell me she knew I was something more than what I’d said? What kind of spy would pull that shit and think they’d live to report it back to whoever hired them? It just didn’t make sense for it to be her, but the doubt was still there. The only way it would ever vanish would be for me to find out who it was Diego really hired. It was beginning to look like it was time to bring Diego himself in. He wouldn’t be easy to break, but if there was one thing I was good at, it was finding out what made a man tick, and what he’d be willing to die for.

It had been twenty-four hours since I’d met up with Merric and the woman. Torin had reported back to me that the woman had received a call from Diego shortly after Merric dropped her off and was meeting up with his delivery boy at the same bar tomorrow. Once the boy had been rescued, he and his mother would be on their way to a safe location. One where we could keep an eye on her and who she talked to.

Later that night, I found myself sitting in my car outside of the café, Clarice, worked at. I needed to see for myself that she wasn’t working with anyone or hiding anything from me. When the lights went off inside an hour later, I watched her exit the building and lock it up before starting her walk home for the night. Just seeing her was driving me crazy. All I wanted to do was pick her up and take her back to my place where I could torture her sexually for the information I wanted. But I knew if I did that, there would be no us, or trust from her ever again.

As I watched her, I noticed that she suddenly stopped and looked down at her phone before glancing back up and scanning the area around her a few seconds, when a tall male figure approached her. The suddenness of his appearance had me reaching for my gun, ready to jump out. That was until a streetlight showed me just who it was.