Now I was getting pissed. This man was just going to toss me aside like garbage for being honest with him?

After giving myself to him?

Trusting him?

I stepped in closer, making sure he understood my next words very clearly. “I wantnothingfrom you. I let myself be vulnerable with you tonight, trusted you not to break my heart, and you’re doing exactly that. You may be some big, tough, scary guy most men would run from, but all I see standing in front of me right now is a coward. Do not contact me, sit outside my house, and spy on me, or ever step foot into my work again, or this time Iwillcall the cops.Do you understand me?You don’t get to take the trust I gave to you and just shit on it. No matterwhoyou are.” The look on his face morphed from anger to hurt then back to anger again so fast I wondered if I had imagined it. I needed out of here right now, and I didn’t care that I was only in a bathrobe with no shoes. I wanted nothing more from the man who really was as cold hearted as the devil himself.

Spinning around on my heel, I made my way over to the door, opening it and walking out. Opening the second door to the elevator area, I pushed the button and waited for it to arrive. The tears welling up in my eyes became so heavy that it was getting hard to hold them back, but there was no way I was going to let this bastard see me cry over him. Feeling his stare on my back, I looked over my shoulder, spotting him, standing in the doorway, watching me. I would never understand how he could turn so cold so fast. The ping of the elevator arriving sounded just as the doors opened for me to step inside.

“Clarice.” The sound of him saying my name stung deep, like a knife to the heart, but I would not give in. There would be no looking back at him.

I kept my body pointed to the side when I entered as the doors slowly closed me inside and the tears flowed freely down my cheeks.

I was so sick to my stomach about what just happened, I leaned on the railing, barely able to stand. When the doors opened on the ground floor a few seconds later, I made sure the robe was sinched tight and made my way through the lobby, my head held high in defiance under watchful eyes. Pushing the door open, the ice-cold pavement beneath my bare feet and breeze that swept over me, sent shivers down my spine as I made my way down the sidewalk.

“Miss! Miss!”

Looking to my right, I saw Devin rushing to make his way over to me. “I don’t wantanythingfromyouoryour boss,” I growled at him, striding away.

Catching up to me again, he grabbed a hold of my wrist, causing me to snatch it back out of his grip. “I’m sorry.” He held his hands up in a surrendering motion. “Please. If I don’t take you home, Mr. Lennox, will have my head. Please just let me take you home.”

I felt bad being mean to Devin since none of this was his fault, he only worked for the asshole. “Fine. No talking.”

He raised his hands in surrender again. “I promise. Not a word.”

“Then let’s go.” I marched over to where he parked the car when he rushed past me and opened the back door, so I could get in. “Not sitting back there. I’ll sit up front with you,” I informed him, passing him up and moving to the passenger side door.

He looked completely frazzled by my request, shutting the back door. “Um, ok then.”

When he moved to open the door for me at the same time I reached for the handle, I grabbed a hold of his hand, startling him. “Devin. I know how to open and close the car door all by myself.”

“Yes, Miss.” He nodded his head as he made his way to the driver’s side, starting the car.

We didn’t make it two miles down the road before I was breaking my own rule. “Why is your boss such an asshole?”

This kid looked like he’d rather have his right nut cut off than answer my question right now. “I’m sure, Mr. Lennox, is just under a lot of pressure with the new restaurant opening.”

I didn’t reply to his answer, nor say anymore the rest of the drive home. I was numb again. Something special, I thought I had, only turned out to be a shitty joke on me. Once Devin pulled up in front of my house, he started to move to get out. “Stay. I can get out of the car all by myself as well.” Opening the door, I stepped out, but then leaned back down to look inside. “Thank you for the ride, Devin.” Slamming the door shut before he could respond, I went inside my house and straight to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me before falling face first onto my bed and having the cry I was finally able to.

It wasn’t long before there was a knock at my door, and Scarlett was stepping inside. “Hey, noticed you didn’t say hello when you walked in, everything ok?” The instant she saw my tear-soaked face when I looked up at her, she slid onto my bed next to me. “What’s going on, Reese? What happened?”

Getting myself together, I sat up. “Creed dumped me tonight.”

“That fucking piece of shit!”

I couldn’t tell her that I’d called him out on who I thought he really was, so I skated over those details. “We had sex, he ordered dinner for us then when we were talking, he just became distant and said he lost his appetite, and it was time to get me home.”

“That’s it? No explanation?”

I really wasn’t given one, so it wasn’t a total lie. “Nope.”

“What an asshole. Do you want me to go over there and tell him off? Because I will.”

“No. But thank you. I just want to forget about him.”

“I understand. I’ll tell Kieran that we’ll see each other outside of the house for a while. I don’t want you getting upset when you see him, thinking about that jack ass, Creed.”

Really wanting to tell her who I believed Creed, and Kieran were, I held back, hoping she’d be on to the next guy soon enough and dump Kieran. “You don’t have to do that, but I appreciate the offer. It’s not his fault his friend is such and asshole.”