Knowing just where this conversation was headed, after being introduced to this room, I couldn’t decide on my answer. It was one of those kinds of opportunities that presented themselves in your life like skydiving, or bungie jumping. Going on that one roller coaster, you just knew would scare the ever-loving shit out of you, but you still really wanted to do it. And I did want to do this with my devil, more than I thought I’d ever want to try something like this with anyone. Trust was the biggest thing needed for a sexual act like this one to ever take place. And for some reason I did trust that he would never harm me in any way. “It only appeals to me if it’s with you.”

That was all he needed to hear apparently, because in the next second, I found myself swept up in his arms and being place onto the bed, him hovering over me. “I want to do things to you that will bring you so much pleasure that it will make you lose your mind.”

That brought a smile to my lips. “Sounds like something I could get onboard with.”

His hand suddenly struck out and gripped my neck, hard, causing my eyes to widen at the sudden action. He leaned down and began nibbling on my ear and neck. “I only have one rule about bringing you in here.”

The grip he had on me was firm but didn’t cut my airway off. “What is that?”

“That there are no rules. If you choose to be with me in here, you are choosing to give me complete ownership over your body and mind. Is that something you can do?”

I didn’t know what complete ownership encompassed, and it didn’t look like he was about to elaborate any further on that explanation. “Does the wordredstill work in here?” I needed some kind of reassurance that I still had some say in things. While I did trust him enough to experiment sexually, to give myself completely over to him was another thing entirely.

He didn’t answer, only released his grip on my neck and pulled me up to a sitting position before helping me off the bed. “You aren’t ready for this tonight, but my hope is that one day you will trust me enough to know I will only bring you nothing but pleasure in this room. Total and complete trust is a must from you for something like this. I don’t want you to be apprehensive about it and feel like you have to do this with me.”

While I agreed completely with what he was saying, I couldn’t help the disappointment I felt in myself for questioning my trust in him. “I do really want to try this with you.”

Spinning me around, he pinned me up against the doorway, the wall digging into my back uncomfortably. “And we will when you trust me without question. Now let’s take this somewhere I can do something about this raging hardon I have for you.”

The second we entered the bedroom; he was on me like a man just released from a twenty-five-year stint in jail. The things he did to me drove me out of my mind with pleasure, just like he always promised. After we were done, I laid in bed unable to sleep, thinking about that room and what could have happened in there last night.

Looking over at his sleeping form, I quietly got out of bed, and slipped on one of his white shirts around me, buttoning it up as I crept out the door, shutting it behind me. Tiptoeing down the hall, I made my way to the room we visited last night. Standing there for a moment, I wondered what it would be like to enter the room, him here with me. But in order to do that, I had to look deep inside myself and find that fear ofwhat ifand figure out why it was there before I could dig it out. It was the only thing that was holding me back from doing this with him.

Opening the door, I walked inside and shut it behind me as my eyes scanned the area around. My thought was that if I got to know what was in here, maybe my fear would turn peaceful on its own. I made my way over to the bed, running my hand over the comforter, feeling the softest material I’d ever known. It was like silk as it slid through my fingertips. Approaching the spanking bench, that I’d recognized from my curiosity research I did after reading 50 Shades, I checked the restraints that were bound to it. I noticed that they looked almost like a belt, but with a black padding lined on the inside to protect your body from the harsh leather.

Padding over to the St. Andrews Cross, I noticed the same kind of restraints on it as well as a leg spreader. The leg spreader was an easy item to remember from the movie itself. Moving on to the items that hung on the wall, I recognized most of them from what I had seen before, zeroing in on the cane. From what I’d read those tended to be one of the most painful whips that could be used on a person’s body. “I was wondering where you had gotten off to.”

I practically jumped out of my own skin at his sudden words, puncturing through my thoughts. “Holy shit! You scared the fuck out of me!”

He chuckled at my response. “What are you doing in here?”

Walking back over to the spanking bench, I ran my finger over the hard leather, imagining how it would feel against my skin as I laid upon it, leaving myself open to his mercy. “Just familiarizing myself with things.”

“How about you familiarize your body with mine in the shower instead?”

Staring at him for a moment, I turned my attention back to the bench, noticing how the backside of it faced the doorway he was standing in. Taking a deep breath, I found that fear holding me back, and dug it out as I began to slowly unbutton the shirt I had on, my eyes holding his prisoner on me.

He studied me intently with heated eyes and a halted breath as if he knew I was about to fearlessly hand my body over to him and didn’t want to make any sudden movements to postpone it. Slipping the shirt off my shoulders, I stood there boldly for his viewing pleasure. I could feel the intense heat from his stare, roaming over my body as though one look would never be enough for my devil.

Turning away from him, I placed my knees on the lower part of the bench before laying my body over the top that had an incline, my head facing down with my ass high in the air. Laying there without any words, I could feel his heated gaze between my spread legs. A few heartbeats later, I heard the first sound of movement behind me as he came closer. The feeling of his finger touching my skin had me jumping as he dragged it from my calf all the way up over my ass, missing the one area I wanted him to touch me in the most right now. Slowly, he brushed his fingertip up my back until his grip landed on the back of my neck, pulling my face up to meet his. “What is the one rule about being in this room with me?”

“That there are none, and if I choose to be in here with you, I am giving my body to you without fear of being harmed.”

His eyes moved back and forth between mine, searching for any doubt that shone in them. “And you’re able to do that?”

I wanted to do this with him so badly, that I decided to jump out of the plane, off the cliff, and get on the roller coaster, I knew would scare the shit out of me. “Yes,” I answered in a firm voice.

Releasing his grip on my neck, he moved to my backside and stood there not touching me for what felt like forever before I jumped at his grip on my ankle as he locked it in the first restraint. Slowly he made his way around me, eventually restraining me helpless. Taking a deep breath, I told myself I could do this. I could trust my devil not to harm me. When I noticed movement to my side, I watched as he wordlessly strode over to the wall, where all the items were hung, and pick out what I knew to be a flogging whip. The excitement that ran ramped through my body actually surprised me a bit. I had no idea I would be more excited about what was about to happen than scared, but I was.

Approaching me, he bent down and grabbed a hold of my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “This moment will always be the best gift you’ve ever given to me.” The kiss he gave me would have caused my knees to buckle if I wasn’t already laying down. I felt the ends of the flog trailing over my sensitive skin, my backside, and up between my spread legs before the sound of a crack soared through the air, causing me to flinch in pain as the whip lashed across my ass. I felt the same feeling three more times before he laid his warm hands on me, soothing the broken skin.

Feeling his hand slip lower, he ran his fingers through my folds before shoving two fingers deep inside of me. “You’re so fucking wet. I knew this would turn you on.” Feeling him exploring my pussy the way he was, his fingers inside me, over my clit and then through my folds was building up inside of me. But then it all came crashing back down with the feel of the flog thrashing over my ass three more times. He repeated the process of whipping me then fingering me to the point of almost climaxing so many times, I was reduced to a weeping mess of a woman, begging for release. The feelings only grew in intensity, causing me to feel like I was about to lose my mind. Just then my devil replaced his fingers with his mouth on me, and I was on a one-way track to coming my brains out, but then he changed the rules to our game. “Don’t come. If you come before I tell you to, I will leave you here restrained and keep doing things to your body to keep you on edge but never let you come. Do you understand?”

The one and only thing swimming through my mind wasI didn’t think I could hold off much longer.

I had never been told I couldn’t come before. It was what all men wanted from you, to know they made you come. Not keep it from happening. I was so confused and so strung out and high on the pleasure his mouth was bringing me that I truly did think I was about to go insane.