Trying to brush off the initial shock of seeing him yet again, I greeted them. “Hey, how can I help you guys?”

The sound of my voice caused his head to jerk up in response. “Reese? You work here?”

“I do.”

He looked like he was about to puke his guts out. Nothing could be more awkward than your ex being in the same vicinity as your new love interest. Especially an ex you were practically begging to take you back not too long ago. “I-I had no idea you worked here. We were just headed in to the city and wanted to caffeinate beforehand.”

The girl he was with was increasingly growing curious. “You know her?”

He looked at her. “Yeah, she’s...”

Trying to help him out, not that it was my duty, I cut his words off. “Logan and I went to school together a couple of years ago. We had a couple of the same classes.”

She looked relieved. “Oh, ok. For a second there, I thought you might be another one of his ex-girlfriends or something. Seems we run intothoseeverywhere we go these days.” She gave him a side glance that told me he was still fucking around with other women, making me even more thankful for the devil I had in my life now.

Getting their order completed, I began cleaning up in the backroom since it was almost closing time when I heard a quiet knock on the wall. Turning around, I spotted Logan, walking into the room, looking extremely guilty. “Hey, just wanted to apologize for earlier. I had no idea that you worked here when we decided to stop in. Kelly was the one who suggested it, so...”

Not really wanting to have a whole thing about the awkward situation, I brushed it off. “It’s fine. She seems nice and I really hope you’re happy together.”

“Thanks. You ah still with that guy who looked like he wanted to kill me last time we saw each other?”

“I am.”


“Yes. I hope you’re not still hung up on the idea of us getting back together, Logan. You seem to have a nice girl out there.”

“No. I know you’ll never take me back after what I did, but you will always be the one who got away. It’ll always be one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made in my life, throwing away what we had.”

This conversation was growing increasingly more and more uncomfortable, but just then I was rescued. “Logan are you ready to go?”

Trying to act cool, he turned around just in time to greet Kelly. “Yeah. I was just talking to Reese about the new man in her life.”

“Well, I’m sure she’s happy and you have a new woman in your life, so what do you say you don’t keep her waiting.”

“Of course. Let’s get going.” He looked back at me once more. “It was good to see you again, Reese.”

“Good to see you as well.” I turned my focus to Kelly. “It was nice to meet you.”

“You as well.Notthat Logan ever made any formal introductions or anything.” The look she gave him said it all. She knew who I really was to him, and I didn’t think she would be around much longer.

After they all had left, I locked the doors and continued to close up for the night.

Walking in the front door about an hour later, I found Scarlett on the couch, looking like she’d started drinking the moment she walked in the door. “You ok?”

“Oh sure, just the guy I’m falling for wouldn’t tell me where he was going today. He won’t answer any of my texts and said that I wouldn’t hear from him until I do. Just the normal bullshit I seem to deal with from the losers I constantly fall for.”

Oh boy was it going to be an interesting night. Heading into the kitchen, I grabbed a glass of juice and came back into the living room, dropping down onto the couch next to her. “Why wouldn’t he tell you where he was going? What’s the big secret about it?”

“Wish I knew. I’ve given this guy three shots at breaking my heart now. I don’t have a fourth in me. I bet he’s going to see another woman.”

Knowing what I did about my devil’s trip, I would venture a guess that Kieran was with him. But the big question was, what was so secretive about looking at some property in Florida? “I really don’t think that’s what it is, Scar.”

Sitting up, she squared her shoulders towards me. “You know something, don’t you?”

Not wanting to say anything, seeing as how I didn’t really know anything, I tried to bluff my way around the subject, which made me feel like shit. She was my best friend, and I should have been honest with her. “No, I don’t know anything. But I do know that man only has eyes for you.”

“Yeah, me and that slut he’s with right now.”