He tipped his head down onto my chest in defeat. “There is nothing I want more in this world right now than to stay here in bed with you all day and do everything we did last night all over again, but I have to fly out to Florida this morning for a meeting about some property I’m thinking about purchasing.”

It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but I understood. “Oh, ok. Are you building a house or something?”

“Not sure what I’m going to do with it yet if I buy it, I’ve only seen it online. Today will be my first in person visit to the site.”

I moved to get out of bed. “Well then I’d better get going, so you can catch your flight.”

Pulling me back down onto the bed, he gathered up my wrists in his hands. “First, you and me are going to shower together, you know, to save water and all that shit. Then, I’m going to take you home on my way to the airport.”

I couldn’t help the smile that stretched out over my face. “Sounds good to me.”

After another wonderful orgasm in the shower, we both sat in the car as Devin drove to my house. “What are your plans for today?”

“I go into work at noon today, and then I think I’m going to see if Scar wants to order in some Chinese for dinner tonight.”

Taking a hold of my chin, he brought my lips to his. “Wish I could join you, but I’m not sure what time I’ll be back tonight.”

“It’s ok. Scar and I could use a girls night anyway. You know, to talk about you and Kieran.”

He chuckled at my comment. “To be a fly on the wall during that conversation.”

The car rolled to a stop in front of my house. “You’ll both miss the naked pillow fight we’ll have too.”

He practically yanked me in against his body. “Don’t ever tease me like that before I have to be away from you.”

Feeling a little feisty, I couldn’t help myself. “Or what?”

“Or I will flip you over right here in this car and redden your ass with my hand.”

“Mm, sounds tempting.”

“You sure do live up to your name, Little Vixen.”

I couldn’t help the smile. “I do try.” Just then, Devin opened the back door for us, and my devil stepped out before helping me to my feet. “I’ll miss you.”

Walking me up to my door, he spun me around to face him, taking me in a knee buckling kiss. “I will be back inside you before you know it.”

“Now that’s some crazy romance you’re spouting off right there.”

He chuckled. “I’m still familiarizing myself with the word. Maybe by time I return from my trip, I’ll have a better handle on the meaning.”

“I think you do alright with it.”

Hearing his phone ping with a text, he let out a breath when he looked down at it. “I’ve got to go if I’m going to make it to my meeting on time. I’ll call you the moment I land back in New York.”

“I’m holding you to that.” Kissing him once more, I smiled up at him. “Have a safe flight.”

“Thank you.” Turning to walk away, he paused and turned back to face me again. “Enjoy your naked pillow fight.”

I broke out laughing. “We will.” With those final words, he was in the car and driving off.

Entering the house, I found a note from Scarlett that she had already left for work and would be home around six in the evening, so I texted her my idea about a night in, which she seemed happy about.

After I’d taken a shower and got changed for work, I sat and had some egg whites and coffee while I scrolled through some social media. When I noticed that it was 11:30, I gathered up my stuff and headed out the door and began my walk to work.

The day had dragged on and it was finally down to my last hour before I was off at eight when a bunch of people made their way in the door, filing over to the menu board. Not really paying much attention, I walked up to help the first couple, when I realized the guy with the girl in front of me was Logan.

What the hell was he doing in here?