“Ever plan on giving those back to me?”

“Not a fucking chance. Now eat up.”

We sat there for the next hour, eating, and making small talk before it was finally time for him to whisk me back to his place and do god knows what dirty things to me. As we slid out of the booth, there was a knock on the door. “Yes?” Creed called out just before it opened with Kieran on the other side.

“Sorry to interrupt, but could I have a quick word?”

Turning to me, he started to apologize, but I waved him off. “It’s fine. Really. I’m going to go sit with Scar since she’s probably sitting alone out there.”

Leaning in, he took my lips in a kiss, hovering close. “Thank you for understanding.”

“You’re welcome.” As I made my way out of the room in front of him, he slapped me on the ass, causing me to jump a little. “Bad Devil,” I scolded jokingly, making him chuckle. I secretly knew he loved my nickname for him.

Making my way through the restaurant to Scarlett’s table, I found her in the booth alone. “Hey.”

“Hey,” she answered flatly. I could tell she was a little irritated.

Taking the seat next to her, I slid in closer. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing really, just that pretty much all-night Kieran has been distracted by something that’s going on and hardly sat here at the table with me. Basically, I just had dinner by myself.”

“I’m sorry. Creed’s been preoccupied about something too.”

“Did he say what it was?”

“He said that it had to do with the opening tonight but if he’s involving Kieran then I suspect it’s something else.”

“Like what do you think?”

“I’m not quite sure, but...”

“Are you ready to go?” My devil appeared out of thin air, cutting my words short.

Looking at Scarlett, she nodded to let me know she was ok with me leaving. “Are you sure?”

“Of course. You go and have some fun with your man here.”

“Thank you, Scarlet. I happen to agree.” My devil grinned.

Laughing at his remark, he helped me up. “I’m sure you do.”

“Ok, we’ll catch you two later then,” he said practically shoving me towards the front door.

Once outside, it dawned on me. “Wait, don’t you need to stay here for the rest of the opening celebration tonight?”

We approached the car where his driver, Devin, waited for us with the door open. “That’s what I pay my restaurant manager a lot of money for.”

“I see. Hello, Devin,” I greeted as we both slid into the car.

“Miss. Mr. Lennox.”

“Home, Devin. As quickly as possible,” my devil demanded.

“Yes, Sir.”

The next morning I was awakened in the most delicious way possible. The feeling of his mouth on me brought me awake with a scream when he made me come on his tongue. Moving his way up my body, he slid his mouth over mine, kissing me as if he would never kiss me again. Tasting myself on his tongue drove my desire to have him inside of me again, even after he took me over and over again last night. “Good morning.”

“Itisa good morning when you wake me up like that.” I wrapped my arms around him. “What do you say we have a little repeat of last night.”