Watching me for a moment, she pursed her lips. “So, it had to do with the opening of the restaurant, huh?”

“Of course. What else could it possibly be?” Before she could answer, our waiter entered the room and began to serve us.

After he laid everything out on the table, he stood at attention. “Do you require anything else, Sir?”

I looked over at Clarice in question, and she shook her head with a smile. “No, I’m good. This all looks and smells wonderful, thank you.”

Nodding my head, the waiter excused himself. “I’m glad you like what I chose for you, I should have asked if there was anything you didn’t eat before I did.”

Cutting into the ribeye steak that I had prepared for her, she shook her head. “Nope. I eat pretty much everything. Just no gross stuff like liver, cow tongue, snails, or any crazy shit like that.”

“I’ll keep that in mind for the future.” I chuckled.




Ihadn’t known my devilfor long, but I had come to know when he was angry or distracted by something and right now he was over doing it to cover up whatever the hell was going on. His excuse that it had to do with the opening of the restaurant was pitiful at best. If there was one thing I had learned from all the books I’d read it was that there was always more going on in the scene you were reading about than was said. It was part of the fun of trying to figure out where the author was going with things.

What was not being said right now was that he was pissed off about whatever that something was he had to deal with and trying do everything possible to cover that anger up.

“How’s your steak?”

“Melts in my mouth. You really picked a great chef.”

Leaning in closer, he placed his finger under my chin, pulling my attention to his. “Well, I plan onyoumelting in my mouth later tonight.”

The sexy things this devil of mine said kept my body on a constant heightened sense of awareness. It didn’t hurt that everything he promised he delivered on.

In spades.

“How exactly am I supposed to eat with you saying things like that to me?”

“Very quickly or I’ll just have to start on my dessert right here. Afterall there’s nothing blocking me from that pussy of mine anymore.” He punctuated his words, running his hand up my dress and sliding a finger lightly over my clit, causing a shiver to shoot up through me. It was an intensely pleasurable reminder that he still had my panties in his possession.