“We had another incident at one of our warehouses. They got away with four crates of the expensive items.”

“Roster? It was my way of asking for the body count.”

“All ten men are on it. It’s almost like they knew the layout and where everyone would be stationed at.”

“Wait for my call back.” Immediately, I left the room in search of Kieran. Finding him with Scarlett, I approached their booth. “Would you mind if I borrowed your date for just a moment?”

Kieran was already sliding out before she could reply, “o-oh, alright.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll be right back,” he assured her as we walked away. “What’s going on?”

“Torin called, told me we had another break in at one of our warehouses. Four crates of weapons taken this time, all guards dead. So, my question toyouis what the fuck am I paying that rat for if this shit is still happening?”

“Let me give him a call.”

“You do that, and you tell him that shit comes out of the money I’m paying him.”

While Kieran was talking to the rat, I headed to the kitchen to speak with the chef about what to cook for Clarice and myself. A moment later Kieran entered with a pissed off look, telling me I was definitely not going to like what I was about to hear.

I waved him to head towards my office, shutting the door after we walked inside. “The fucking piece of shit said that he had no idea this was going down tonight. Santiago’s guy never mentioned it to him.”

I was increasingly getting angrier that I was paying this prick a lot of money for shit information. “You tell him the next time we get hit, and he doesn't give us a heads up, not only will I cut him off, I will inform Santiago of his betrayal, then he won’t have to worry about being a bad influence on that kid of his.”

“I just spoke to Torin as well, and he told me that it seemed like whoever broke in knew their way around, and exactly which weapons were worth the most on the black market, which is a little troubling.”

“Could mean that we may have our own rat infestation. Who else knew about us using that asshole for information?”

“Only the four of us.”

Shaking my head, the thought of it being one of my three that betrayed me was a thought I didn’t want to entertain more than the second I just did. “I don’t even want to think of the possibility.”

“Nor do I.”

Kieran was the one out of the three of them I trusted the most which was why he was usually the one with me here in New York and more of the go between for the other two. But to even wrap my head around the idea that either one of them would ever betray me was not something I wanted to digest. “Is there anything going on in their lives that would provoke them into doing anything out of the ordinary like this? Anything against my decisions lately?”

“Not even a rebuttal to any orders given. I really don’t think it’s one of us. What I do think is I need to get down there and speak to the both of them about who they might have spoken to or have been around. Maybe someone possibly left a listening device in their home or something. If they’ve hooked up with the wrong woman, who is hooking up with them for just that reason. That’s the only explanation I can come up with right now.”

Thinking for a moment, his explanation did make sense. It was possible that one of the two hooked up with a woman who had only the intention of spying on our operation. It wouldn’t have been the first time a woman had been sent in to gather information on us, or to attempt to find out my true identity.

Many leaders had deemed me a coward for hiding who I was, but anytime there’d been an attempt on their lives or the lives of their loved ones, it proved to me just who the fucking idiots were. It wasn’t like I couldn’t go around, pounding on my chest and boasting who I was, or showcase just how much power I held in my little pinky. But then the majority of my time would be spent fighting off attempts on my life instead of being the brains, I was able to be behind the scenes. It was an agreement we had all four come to a long time ago before we started making moves. That and I’d reside in a completely different state than the one we ran our operation out of. It was the only way no one could ever tie Kieran, Merric, or Torin to myself. When shit did go down here, like what Clarice had witnessed, it was few and far between. Plus, those individuals never lived to tell a fucking soul who or where I really was if they’d found out. It was the perfect way to run an enterprise the likes of ours.

Now, though, I was faced with the thought of one of them possibly being no longer in the same mindset. If I had learned anything in this business, it was that those who loved you the most were the ones you really had to watch out for. I couldn’t tell you how many times a son had killed their own father for the power they held. I didn’t want to even think about having to end one of them. “Call Torin and tell him that he and Merric need to sweep both warehouses as well as their own homes and then meet up with us at the location tomorrow at noon. Make sure to let them know that they need to be on alert and take extra precautions to make sure no one follows them. If we have a rat in our ranks, I don’t want them informing anyone where they’re going. I’ll call the pilot and tell him wheels up at nine tomorrow morning.”

“Sounds good. I’ll call Torin now and make the arrangements.”

“Enjoy the rest of your night, I’m going to get back to Clarice.”

“You as well.”

Leaving the office, I stopped by to speak to my head chef. “Everything is ready for you, Mr. Lennox. Would you like it to be brought into your dinner suite now?”

“Yes, Luke. Thank you.”

Opening the door, I spotted Clarice, sitting in the booth and sipping on her water. “There you are. I was beginning to think you left me here.”

Sliding into the booth, I pulled her in for a kiss. “My apologies. I unfortunately had some business to attend to. Opening night is a bit of a production.”