“It is.”

Looking around, this place was nothing short of posh, with beautiful crystal chandeliers that hung throughout the restaurant, adding just enough lighting to allow you to see what you were about to eat. It was a very alluring environment to be in and added another layer to the intimidation factor of this devil of mine. “It’s quite lovely. What did you name it? I didn’t notice when we came in.”

“Vixen’s Place.” I didn’t think my eyes could widen enough to show my surprise. Moving closer, he kissed me gently on the lips. “I was inspired recently.”

“I-I...” I didn’t have any words to offer. I was speechless.

Wrapping his arm around my waist, he tugged me into his side. “Come sit down,” he breathed in my ear, causing goose bumps to rise over my skin. I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to keep these feelings of mine, I was having for him on lockdown, or what my reasons for wanting to anymore in the first place.

Standing at the end of the cozy booth, he had reserved for us, he motioned for me to sit down first. I slid into the center of the horseshoe shaped booth, and he slid in right next to me. I was so hypnotized by him that it took me a moment to realize Scarlett and Kieran weren’t even sitting with us. “Where did Scarlett, and Kieran go?” Looking around the restaurant, I spotted them a couple of booths away. “They aren’t sitting with us?”

Moving in closer, he grabbed a hold of my waist and pulled me in closer, placing his hand on my thigh. “No. I reserved them their own table because I wanted to be alone with you.”


Placing a finger on my lips, he only took it away when he gave me a chaste kiss. “You need to stop this thinking that we don’t fit together excuse of yours as a real reason for us not to be together. I want you; you want me. How about we throw all the bullshit reasons why this won’t work out the window and just give it a shot. The worst that could happen is you would be proven right.”

“No. the worst that could happen is I could get my heart broken.” It was something I knew could be a possibility with how fast I was falling for this devil of mine. Add to that who he was, and it was a recipe for heartbreak disaster.

“How about one day at a time, we’ll take things slow.”

“You don’t do anything slow, besides, I think we passed slow a while ago.”

I could feel his hand inching its way up my leg, closer to where I wanted and needed him to touch me. “You’re right. How about we just pick up where we left off. I have no problem with that if it’s what you want.”

His hand had now pushed my dress up and was dipping into my panties. The long table cloth was the only thing hiding what he was doing to me. The moment his finger slipped inside of me, and he began fingering me, my eyes became too heavy to keep open. But when he moved to my clit, I couldn’t think straight. Just then a male waiter arrived at our table, causing me to freeze. But it didn’t stop him from continuing to drive me closer to climax.

“Good evening, Miss. Mr. Lennox. Would you like to start off with some drinks?”

He looked at me with a smirk as his finger increased in pressure before pushing two fingers inside of me, hitting that spot that tested any ability I had to keep a normal reaction on my face in front of the waiter. “What would you like to drink, Clarice.”

The way his fingers were moving inside of me then over my clit was about to send me screaming out in orgasm, but then suddenly, he ripped it all away, leaving me a babbling idiot. “Uh... I-I don’t um... I don’t... water is fine for me.”

He knew. The slight smirk on the waiters face said it all, but he remained a professional in front of his boss. “And for you, Sir?”

“Bring me the 2003 Egon Müller-Scharzhof Riesling. And bring it to the private table.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Before I could even question what he was talking about, I was being pulled from our booth and guided to the very back of the restaurant to a closed door. Entering the room, there was only a single booth with a low-lit chandelier hanging over it. It was a very romantic setting.

I hadn’t moved an inch since we’d entered before there was a knock at the door. When Creed opened it, we were greeted by the same waiter from earlier. He wordlessly made his way inside and set the wine along with two wine glasses and my water down onto the table. When he turned to leave, my devil stopped him, whispering something to him, then shutting the door behind him. “This is quite the little set up you’ve got back here.”

As I stood there, my back to him, he moved in closer. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me in tight as he laid kisses all down my neck. “I had fucking you here in mind when it was being remodeled.” His hands slipped down to the bottom of my dress and slowly began hiking it up over my hips as he continued to nip and kiss my neck. “Is that something I could interest you in, Clarice? Bending you over this table and fucking you until you come so hard on my cock that you beg me to fuck you again and again?”

I was definitely done for. There would be no more fighting this devil of mine. I was an addict for his touch, and I needed it now. “Yes. I want you to fuck me, Creed. Right here, right now on this table.”

Before my brain even had a second to form another coherent thought, I found myself flipped around, his hand viciously gripping my throat. “I’m only going to say this once. If you give yourself to me tonight there will be no going back. You will be mine.”