


He was really lettingme go. With a numb feeling overcoming me, I made my way out of his room and down the staircase. Spotting his driver, I now knew as Devin, I stopped in front of him. “I’m ready to go.”

He seemed to think about something for a moment before he finally decided to say it. “I would greatly appreciate it if you could stay clothed this time. I don’t really feel like dying at the ripe old age of twenty-five.”

Feeling a little embarrassed by my previous actions, I tried to assure him that it wouldn’t happen again, “I have every intention of keeping all my clothes on until I’m inside my house. I’m really sorry if I got you into any trouble.”

“Thank you. Shall we go then?”

With one last look up the stairs I had just come down, I nodded my head. “Yes.”

Walking into the house, I could hear Scarlett giggling like a school girl, so I decided it was better to call out for her in front of her door rather than walk in on anything going on in her bedroom. “Hey, Scar!”

“In here!” she called out, giving me the all clear to walk in. “Ok, you better. I’ll talk to you later.” Hanging up her phone, she got out of bed and stalked over to me. “And just where have you been? Without your phone on you I might add.”

I could tell she was a little miffed that I broke our one rule of always keeping our phones on us in case something happened. “I know. I’m sorry. I kind of left quickly and forgot to take it with me.”

She looked me up and down. “So, you left here in your pj’s? What was so important that you couldn’t put any clothes on before you went running out of the house?”

Knowing there was no other way than just telling her the truth right now, I walked over to the chair by her bed and sat down. “Creed came here last night after Logan showed up unannounced.”

Shaking her head, she moved over to her bed, sitting down. “Ok, so wait,Logan, as inLoganfrom two years ago came by, and Creed did too? I’m so confused right now.”

“Yeah, was a bit of a shocker for me too.”

“Ok, so start at the beginning.”

After I explained what took place, minus the kidnapping, Kieran’s involvement, and the fact that my devil was a bad guy, she couldn’t contain her excitement. “I knew you two would hook up!”

“Yeah, well, it’s going to be the only time that happens. Our lives are just too different.”

“Oh sure. Just like you said you wouldn’t sleep with him in the first place? Somehow I’m not buying what you’re selling, sweetheart.”

“Well, as much as I would just love to sit here and tell you all the ways we don’t fit together, I need to take a shower and get ready for my shift at the café later.”

“I’ll let you off the hook for now. But we will be continuing this conversation.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Of that I have no doubt.”

After showering and getting ready for work, I pulled out my book, I’d started reading last night before I was kidnapped, when my phone pinged with an incoming text. I’d be lying to myself if I said that I wasn’t hoping it was my devil, but when I looked at the screen, I only found a text from Logan.

I just wanted to apologize for showing up like I did yesterday. I hope all is well with you.

I didn’t respond. I didn’t want to give him any hope that something could develop between us ever again. He broke my heart like no man had ever done before him when he cheated on me, and I would not be entertaining the idea of letting him back into my life any time soon.

The next couple of days went by without any sightings or calls from my devil and I actually found myself missing him. This man had threatened me, kidnapped me, tied me up, and blackmailed me with my best friends life into doing what he wanted.

And I missed him?