“Get the tape and tell Devin to pull around the back. Less people,” the devil ordered.

I couldn’t let this happen. I couldn’t just let him kidnap me like some helpless siren. So, I started pounding on his back again as hard as I could to get him to let me down. “This is ridiculous! Put me down!”

“Bring the rope as well,” was his only answer.

With my hands tied, after a long struggle I might add, a piece of tape was slapped over my lips before he made his way to the back door. The instant he stepped outside, I felt the rush of frigid air on my skin, causing me to realize that this whole time I hadn’t even been dressed, but only in my pj’s. Thank god they weren’t anything scandalous, just some baby blue capri pants and a shirt that matched. But the material they were made of was thin, and I wasn’t wearing any underwear or even a bra under them.

We weren’t outside more than a few seconds before I was being dropped into the back seat of a car, the door slamming shut once he slid inside behind me. As I was lying there on my back, he went to reach for me, and on instinct I kicked my foot out, catching him square in the nose. Almost instantly blood began to drip from it, causing me to regret my decision. I was so astonished by my actions that I just froze. I couldn’t believe I had just done that. Sure, I meant to, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it, but the furious look in his eyes had me back pedaling on fighting back.

Leaning down, he retrieved a tissue from the center console and began wiping his nose, checking to see just how bad he was bleeding. It wasn’t too bad luckily. “Feel better now?”

Since my mouth was still covered with the tape, I chose to respond in a sign language everyone knew and flipped him off.

“You do know that most men wouldn’t survive what you just did.” He reached down and tore the tape off of my lips, causing me to wince in pain as he cut the ties that bound my hands together.

“Ow!” Glaring back at him, I dabbed my lips with my fingertips, checking to see that I wasn’t bleeding myself now. “You ripped it off that hard on purpose.”

“Your lips aren’t even bleeding, unlike my fucking nose right now.”

“You kidnapped me!”

“Believe what you want to.”

I shoved my still redden wrists up in the air from the ropes. “Let’s take a look at the evidence, shall we? One, my wrists were tied up, you taped my mouth shut, and two, you dragged me from my house by force! How can you say that you didn’t just kidnap me?”

Reaching down, he grabbed a hold of my wrists and pulled me up to a sitting position. “If you would have just come with me like I asked you to in the first place, none of that would have been necessary. But you just had to push me, so...”

“So, you chose to act like an asshole?”

Chuckling at my question, he stared out the window, ignoring me the rest of the time, which suited me just fine right now.

When the car pulled up to a large set of iron gates, that led to an underground garage, my curiosity peaked about where I was being taken. “Where are we?”

“My home.” As the car navigated through the gates, we pulled up to what looked like a private parking area. “Now, when we get out you will behave. Don’t forget, Kieran is still at your place, waiting for your friend, Scarlett, to arrive home.”

“Yet another threat. Why does that come as no surprise?”

Leaning over, he took a hold of my arm as the back door to the car was opened. “Just behave for once.”

As he pulled me from the car to my feet, I couldn’t help but respond with a mutter, “then maybe stop acting like an asshole.”

He chuckled, finding my words humorous even though that wasn’t my intended effect with them.

The ride up in the elevator was submerged in silence. I had no clue what to say, and it’d seemed he didn’t either. When the elevator doors opened wide, so did my eyes. The entrance into the foyer alone looked like something out of the pages of Architectural Digest.

The flooring was a white, and gray marble with some kind of black art design in the middle of it. Looking further ahead, I noticed two huge black vases on either side of a second entrance, much like the first, that led to a set of black doors with glass windows on either side.

Talk about feeling underdressed just to be in the presence of this place.

With his hand pressed to my lower back, he guided me out of the elevator and through the second entrance. When the door opened, my mouth dropped.

Straight ahead was a huge set of floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the city. Then as we strode forward into the living room, I looked to my right and found a large black sofa with a black coffee table in front of it and a black rug positioned under it all.

The man sure did like the color black.

Even some of the walls were painted as black accent walls, making my nickname for him seem dead on.

“Do you like?” His words snapped me out of my gawking.