“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.” Tipping his head, he quickly made his way around the front of the car and into the driver’s seat, shutting the door.

“It’s not his fault, you know.” Torin pointed out the obvious, but it didn’t have the intended effect on me as he had hoped.

“Don’t you think I fucking know that? Doesn’t mean I don’t want to kill the little bastard right now for seeing what was supposed to be mine tonight!” I was fuming at the thought that he had seen her in that way.

“How about we finish this conversation in the car before we attract some unwanted attention,” Torin suggested, trying to usher me into the back of the car. I reluctantly went, knowing he was right. No one needed to witness just what I really was capable of. Because if they did, they would see a dead driver lying on the sidewalk right now.

After a few moments of deep breaths in the car, I began to calm down and think more clearly again. That was until Torin brought her name up. “So, what the hell happened with Clarice tonight to warrant her to rip her own dress off and give it to Devin like that?”

Looking out the window, I watched as the city passed by, wondering if I would be able to stick to the right decision where she was concerned. “I grew a fucking conscience is what happened.”



He shook his head like he’d just heard I’d won the Mr. Congeniality award. “What the hell? See, this is what I warned you about. This woman is making you do stupid shit already.”

Turning my head, I glared at him. “You fucking think I don’t know that?” I fumed. “It’s the reason I cut her loose tonight.”

“So, she’s gone?”


“Good. Now we can get back to dealing with this bullshit with Santiago. Kieran called me earlier and said that he vested a guy on the inside who’s willing to get us information for the right price.”

“Just how much did he say this information would cost me? And exactly what kind of information am I paying for?”

“Three million. He works alongside Santiago’s second in command, Diego, so he can give us a heads up the next time Santiago sends one of his dogs out to do his bidding.”

“He’s positive we can trust him?”

“He said he was. Apparently the guy wants out and he needs a lot of money to leave the country. Turns out his woman is pregnant and doesn’t want the child around our kind of business, so he’s making the necessary moves now to make that happen.”

“Jesus Christ, it’s like an epidemic! These fucking women making men do crazy shit!”

“Not me. I know better than to hand my balls over to any woman .”

Chuckling, I slapped him on the chest. “I’ll be the first one to rub that shit in your face. Mark my words.”

“Not a fucking chance.”

“Ya, ok. Do me a favor, when you talk to Kieran tell him to drop the friend before he gets any more invested with her. The last thing we need is him catching feelings for the woman.”

“On it.”

When the car pulled up to my building, I shot Torin one more look. “Tell him to make the deal and tell him that I want daily updates or the deals off. And I want his woman under tight surveillance. That way if the asshole decides to grow a brain and fuck us over, we have her to pull him back in line.”

“Already watching her every move as we speak. And I’ll make sure to tell Kieran to fill him in on all the parameters before he seal’s the deal with him.” A few moments later, the car door opened, and my driver awaited my exit. “Try not to kill the kid when you get out, I still need a ride home.”

“You just worry about talking to Kieran about the woman and the deal. I’ll be the one to decide who lives and who dies.”

Stepping out of the car, Devin instantly lowered his eyes. “Hey.”

He looked back up at me. “Yes, Sir?”

“Be here at seven in the morning to pick me up.”

I could see the relief bubbling over in his eyes. “Yes, Sir.”