At least I desperately wanted to believe that I didn’t.




As we walked back tothe table, I had no idea what to say to this woman. I didn’t even know what the hell to say to myself right now. When the fuck did I grow a conscience? I was a cruel, calculating, and most importantly heartless man. I didn’t have a conscience. But somehow in the span of only a few hours this woman had grown one for me. I was the kind of man whotookwhat I wanted, and I had every intention of taking what I wanted from her tonight.

For the rest of the evening, my head was in such turmoil with my earlier actions, I couldn’t bring myself to barely speak with her. This woman was fucking me up and I needed to cut her loose before I really made a stupid mistake where she was concerned. It was the only decision I had right now.

At the end of the night, I escorted her out to the car, where my driver was parked, waited for her to slide in, then shut the door behind her without another word. As I watched the car pull away, I felt a hand rub over my shoulder before both of her arms were wrapped around me. “How about we have that dance now,” Natasha breathed into my ear.

Since I was still feeling worked up from my earlier encounter with Clarice, and needed to burn this energy off somehow, I turned around and pulled her into me. “I have the perfect dance floor reserved for us.” I would take her to that same office from earlier. I had the need to erase any memory of Clarice tonight.

After I fucked Natasha, I was still restless, and very unsatisfied. I had a feeling nothing less than Clarice would satisfy me, but she was out. Once I’d finished my discussion with the Mayor, I met Torin at the front door. “Any updates on the Santiago situation?” I inquired as we headed outside to the car where my driver waited with the backdoor open.

“I’ll update you in the car, but uh, Devin has quite the story for you.”

Looking over at my driver, I noticed that he looked very fidgety. “What is it?”

He looked to Torin first before looking at me once again. Seeming to need to muster up the courage for whatever he was about to say, he took another moment to clear his throat. “When I dropped your guest off at her home this evening... she asked me to give you something.”

I was very curious as to know what this could possibly be. “And?”

He pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket, stepped forward and handed it to me. “She asked that I give you this.” Then he became even more nervous as he stepped back and reached into the front passenger seat to grab something else out. Walking back over to me, he hesitated for a moment. “And this.” He handed me the dress that had been on Clarice’s body tonight.

Staring at the dress in my hand, I looked over at Torin, who was rubbing his chin, knowing I was about to lose my shit, before my attention landed back on Devin once again. “Tell me something, Devin. Did she go inside her house and change into something else before she came back out and handed you this dress?” I interrogated through gritted teeth.

He looked at Torin again, practically begging for his help. Devin had no idea who I really was, but he had still seen my ruthless side many times, so he had every right to be shitting his pants right now if he didn’t have the answer I wanted from him. “No, Sir, she didn’t.”

I took in a deep breath of night air, trying to rein in my control so I didn’t kill him. “So, are you telling me that you saw her naked tonight, Devin?”

“No, Sir... she had on a bra and panties, Sir.”

“Get. In. The. Fucking car, Devin,” my words were practically bit out in a low growl.